Astrologers consider Spring Equinox, when the Sun rises above the Equator, as the beginning of the astrological year. And the Aries New Moon is when we inhale these new energies, taking them within our psyches to plant the first seeds of the year. What we plant as we begin our journey into the unknown will be the foundation of the future we're building.
This Aries New Moon energizes those new stories we've been telling ourselves. After the intense cosmic energies of the past few months, it's time to set out on our new adventures! Take the basics along--your passion, your vision, your awareness, your values, your self-confidence and your love. You don't have to have the whole story written yet--just start moving toward your vision and goal and the story will practically write itself.
Imagine it, then set off like The Holy Fool in the Tarot. When the Fool sets off on his journey, he has an emotional re-birth--he recognizes and accepts his emotional needs. Open and vulnerable, he still has the ability to say NO when appropriate. He follows his instincts and trusts himself and Life. Everything is new and anything is possible. He's left the old story behind!
This Aries New Moon comes very late in its cycle at 29* Aries because of the lunar cycle flip that occurred last month. We have to take what we became aware of at the Libra Full Moon and integrate it into our lives. What did you become aware of during the Libra lunar eclipse? How do you feel about the quality of your relationships? Are you getting the love and appreciation you need? Are you giving others your love and appreciation? Have you taken Mother Earth into consideration in your decisions? Whatever you became aware of, now you need to plant a seed that will contain those aspects of yourself that you want to enhance and grow.
This Aries New Moon occurs on Saturday, April 18th at 11:57am PDT/ 2:57pm EDT/ 6:57pm GMT.
The Sabian Symbol for the Sun and Moon at 29* Aries tells you how to go about it. The Music of the Spheres. This is a call to attune ourselves to the cosmic energies so we can find our purpose and our place in the cosmic order. Whenever we reach a new level of self-awareness, our consciousness expands to take in new realms of possibilities and actions. When we attune ourselves to cosmic laws, we let our energies be shaped by the archetypal patterns of life, infusing us with profound energies. We end up living in harmony with the cosmos, with others and most importantly, with ourselves.
On Earth Day, April 22, we need to honor Mother Earth in some way--go out and clean up, plant a garden, walk in the woods, demonstrate against polluters. The most important thing we all need to do is stop our inner dialogue and look around at the beauty, wonder and wounding of Mother Earth. Breathe her in and feel your connection. Then stop and ask yourself, 'Is this a way to live?' Change your habits. Go out into nature as much as possible. Leave your electronics behind. Bring people to laugh with. Get in tune with Earth's pulse. Your mind will be healed. Listen to the music of the spheres, which lies within you. It's time to listen within for your instructions.
At this Aries New Moon, calm your mind and find your inner peace so you can make clear decisions about your new life, especially concerning your relationships. You have to face your doubts, your fear of loss, your conflicting desires as you let your old story go. Change is always a bit scary, even welcomed change, and you might fear losing control over it all and making a mess of things. Don't worry, the mess isn't failure, but experimentation. And sometimes experiments blow up in our faces. That doesn't mean you give up. Just try to be objective about the future so you can clarify just what you have to do.
Embrace your new vision. Nurture this new story just as you would your child until it grows beyond you and nurtures you. There will come an inner change in you, a quantum leap that hurls you into the future that's been waiting for you.
All it takes is courage. And that's Aries gift to us. Being brave doesn't mean you can't feel afraid. It means you have the courage to step beyond your fears and do it anyway.
COURAGE is a word that tempts us to think outwardly, to run bravely against opposing fire, to do something under besieging circumstance, and perhaps, above all, to be seen to do it in public, to show courage; to be celebrated in story, rewarded with medals, given the accolade, but a look at its linguistic origins leads us in a more interior direction and toward its original template, the old Norman French, Coeur, or heart.
Courage is the measure of our heartfelt participation with life, with another, with a community, a work, a future. To be courageous, is not necessarily to go anywhere or do anything except to make conscious those things we already feel deeply and then to live through the unending vulnerabilities of those consequences. To be courageous is to seat our feelings deeply in the body and in the world: to live up to and into the necessities of relationships that often already exist, with things we find we already care deeply about: with a person, a future, a possibility in society, or with an unknown that begs us on and always has begged us on. Whether we stay or whether we go - to be courageous is to stay close to the way we are made. ~David Whyte~
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