Pisces Solar Eclipse New Moon, March 20, 2015
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces occurs on March 20th at 2:36am PDT/
5:36am EDT/9:36am GMT. It will be
seen in the northern latitudes in Europe and Asia.
The Sabian Symbol for the last degree of the zodiac, 30* Pisces is:
A Majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up, begins to look like it. This image indicates the very real power of clearly visualized ideals to mold the life of the visualizer.
By continually pouring our emotions and will into the visualized image, we engage in co-creation. The Quantum Field. The Collective Unconscious. The basic formula of Life itself. This is the imaginal consciousness that gives us the potential to access the archetypal world; the test is to be strong enough to let these cosmic laws of life work through us.
Coming days after the 7th Pluto/Uranus square on March 16th and hours before the Spring Equinox, which is the astrological beginning of the year, this solar eclipse New Moon occurs at the very last degree of Pisces and so of the entire zodiac. It is an ending as well as a new beginning.
It feels like this is the end of the Piscean Age. Perhaps it offers us a choice--embody and incarnate the spiritual lessons of the Piscean Age or fall into the delusions that age fostered. Either we step up into our responsibility to the world to create a new vision, or we step back and retreat into the collective delusion of patriarchy.
This might be the only solar eclipse at 30* Pisces in over 5000 years (2000 BCE -- 3000 CE). I've checked out NASA's site on total eclipses in March (http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/solar.html) and I can't find another one. If someone else can find out, please let me know.
it is the only solar eclipse at 30* Pisces, this is another indication that we
are really at the ending of a big cycle.
We are indeed embarking on a mysterious journey into the unknown. The past
5000 years have seen the rise to power of Patriarchy, a form of society that
places the highest value on the rule of Men and which degrades the value of
Women and the Divine Feminine powers of life. As we can see all around the world, we are at the tipping
point of women's equality with men.
It's coming in the outer world, and the inner patriarch in men and women
will be dying out as women reclaim our own ways of being and doing, as well as
our unique feminine gifts and talents.
Once men see who we truly are, their own feminine side blossoms as well.
Pisces is the sign that symbolizes the collective unconscious, the place of endings where our ego consciousness dissolves back into the Ocean of Being. It is the energy of opening to the Divine Presence; the energy of surrender to the flow of life, the energy of trust and faith in Life.
The sign of Pisces has two fish, swimming in opposite directions. One fish symbolizes delusion and illusion, the fantasies the ego generates about its own desires. The other is mystical awareness and communion with the Anima Mundi, our World Soul. This is our choice now. Which fish will we swim with? This is such a moment of grace! Like the ancients and aboriginals, we can learn to be at one with Mother Earth as well as living our soul's destiny in this time of great change.
It was prophesized that there appeared in the heavens, A Woman clothed with the Sun, standing on the Moon, crowned with the Stars, in labor, giving birth to the Savior. We all saw this image in the heavens back in 1969, when we saw pictures of our Mother Earth, floating in the heavens, rising above the Moon, surrounded by the starry heavens. This Cosmic Woman heralds the change, the rebirth we have to undergo to become conscious stewards of this magical and blessed garden that is our Earth.
At 30* Pisces, we are called to acknowledge the energies of the Collective Unconscious, the energetic field that holds our collective hopes and dreams as well as our emotional disappointment and sorrow over what we've done to each other and what we've done to the Earth. We all long for love, for peace, for creativity, for family and community, talents and disciplines that make us whole human beings. Unfortunately, our society's leaders do not listen to what the people want--or at least not real people. We're finally waking up to the fact that the ideas and paradigms running our world no longer fit our needs; in fact, they reject our vision and our needs.
So it is time for each of us to take responsibility for the story of our lives. The old story that is passing away is the story that taught us that we needed to be free. The new story is about what we plan to do with our freedom. It begins within your own psyche. Are you in or are you out?
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