Imagine you are floating in a field of light, surrounded by the light as well as filled with light. You are the light. Imagine that the light wants to take on form and substance. What will it become? Since you are also light, you will know what the light wants to manifest--at least your part of it. Turn your consciousness within and find out how the light wants to manifest in you. Then shape it with your thoughts and desires, your love and belief. Create it in the Imagination and Make It So!
You are in the Quantum Field.
I was just listening to a talk by Jean Houston on the Quantum Field. I believe this Quantum Field is related to the sign of Aquarius, whose freedom-loving genius knows what to do in that quantum playground. Quantum physics suggests that the observer affects the reality of what's being observed--as does psychology. That means that anything is possible until we turn our attention to it. Then the field narrows according to our beliefs and desires about the possible.
Isn't it true that our Aquarian ideals shift our perspective away from the everyday world of work and collective morality and culture to a whole different realm--the realm of cosmic law, moral integrity and archetypal energy? Like the starry heavens, it is a realm of pure possibilities.
That's what makes Aquarian judgment so hard to deal with--Aquarians defend what they believe are humanity's highest ideals. It's hard to argue with them. Their Shadow is their stuck judgments and harsh delivery, and they often find themselves quickly dropping out of the quantum field back into their judgmental view of the world.
Most of us perceive life through a learned Cartesian world-view, a mechanistic understanding of the universe based on cause and effect. This world-view says we are separate from Nature and each other, and insists that our souls and bodies are separate. In the end, it offers us few possibilities to work with. This belief system no longer serves us. We are not machines, but we've ended up working and living like one. (Perhaps that's why the US Supreme Court could say a corporation is a person!)
There are many ways to understand our mysterious universe, and the Quantum Field is a good place to start to play. It's time to live in a new story about the way the Universe works, more in tune with its deepest workings . We live in our beliefs, for our stories describe our world for us. We've been living in a very limited and limiting story. An old story about our world and its possibilities.
When we open our hearts to the Quantum Field story, we open ourselves to unlimited possibilities. We become co-creators with the Universe. We become one with the Universe.
In Quantum reality, everything is in a state of possibility until it is perceived. In that state of possibility, we are immersed in a web of energy that connects us to all life. There, we become co-creators of life as we fine-tune our Imaginations and tap into the cosmic soup of life to make the life we imagine for ourselves.
Lunar Cycle Shift: There's a 2nd Aquarius New Moon this month.
Because we do not live according to a lunar calendar, every year and a half or so, the Moon cycle flips and we find ourselves experiencing a Full Moon in a sign before we experience the New Moon in that sign. The outcome can be a perceptual split, a sense that two different energies have to be reconciled.
These energies will occur in signs that are 150* apart, acting like an inconjunct. Each month we will have to reconcile two energies that usually have a hard time being integrated. The way to do this is to become more discerning and disciplined so we can break down behavior patterns that no longer serve us. When we rub up against these energies, we have to adjust and refine our behavior.
This is a perfect cosmic set-up for practicing living in a quantum reality. As we shift our awareness about what is possible, these different energies can open us to this realm of possibilities. And because this shift begins in the sign of Aquarius, these next years can awaken us to our place as part of the Quantum Field.
The last New Moon occurred on January 20 at 0*08' Aquarius and this New Moon occurs at 29*59'54" Aquarius, two minutes before the Sun moves into Pisces. These two New Moons indicate that there's something we need to learn about Aquarius, something that must be taken into account this year. We need to re-seed ourselves in Aquarius, into a Quantum Reality.
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