It is becoming increasingly apparent that
Mitt Romney will win the Presidency. He appears to be ahead in the popular
vote. Whether he will actually also finish ahead of the President in the
electoral vote count seems to be becoming immaterial. First, there seems to be
on the GOP side a campaign getting underway to challenge any Obama electoral
vote victory (given that Romney indeed would have a substantial lead in the
popular vote). It would bring pressure, both public and private, on the
electors to not vote as they were chosen to do, but rather to "recognize the
popular will" (as if Republicans do that in any other circumstance).
Second, there is increasing evidence that
a massive vote-count cheating operation has already been organized in some of
the key "battleground" states (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) like Ohio, which Bush won in
2004 by cheating. (The Ohio Secretary of State, in charge of the ballot
counting, just happened to be the Chair of the Bush-Cheney re-election
campaign.) If this strategy were to be successful, and could withstand the
challenges that the Obama Campaign might or might not mount against it, that
would make the first plan superfluous.
And so, my advice is to begin to prepare
ourselves for a Romney Presidency. Considering just those elements that pertain
to Romney and the Executive Branch, what it might look like? At this point, not knowing what the Congress
will look like, it makes sense to consider just what his core values are,
rather than to try to figure just what policy initiatives requiring
Congressional action he would be taking beyond "cut taxes/repeal
Obamneycare." If he is to be dealt with
successfully, it is vital that we understand that, yes indeed, as hard that may
be to see on the surface, Romney does have a set of core values. He may shift
position on questions of policy and politics on a regular basis, but his core
values don't change, and he likely sees what others describe as "flip-flopping"
simply as doing what is necessary in order to get to the Presidency so that he
can use the office to set his true values in place in the US government.
And so, what might those values be? I have discussed them at some length
previously, with references (7). See
also an important brief history of the Mormon Church, written by a Mormon
historian and contemporary of Romney's (8), for those values are largely based
in Mormonism. (One of the greatest achievements of his campaign has been to
make any discussion of his religion taboo. If it weren't, he would have had a
lot of explaining to do.) They would set the pattern for his Presidency. In
summary they are:
1. The United States is an "exceptional nation," in the sense that it should be
the unchallenged leader of the world and able to carry out international policy
as it sees fit. Any military force to support that role that would be needed
should be provided.
2. Mormonism is the distinctly "American" religion, and it arose from
"American exceptionalism." (It must be remembered that Romney is a Mormon
Bishop, a position that he has never given up, even when he was Governor of
Massachusetts. He has certainly not said that he would give it up should he
become President of the United States, either.) And for Romney it is the "true" religion,
in all of its detail (see the Book of Mormon, [that is the book, not the
3. The capitalist "market" is the only acceptable economic model. The only
justifiable goal of the market is to produce profit for its owners/operators.
As for specific policies related to his essential support for unfettered
capitalist development (which interestingly enough goes against one earlier
wing of Mormonism which adhered to what Gilmore, a Mormon himself, tells us has
been described as "Christian Communism"), they are pretty straight-forward.
Romney has made no effort to hide them. For example, in the wake of
Frankenstorm Sandy, we have been reminded that he has advocated having the
"private sector," rather than government at any level, but certainly not the
Federal one, provide disaster aid. (Just who would pay such profit-making
companies for their efforts, he didn't say.) He would use his executive power
to the greatest extent possible to reduce Federal government regulation of:
industrial and farm safety; the use of public lands; fossil fuels exploration and
use; potential environmental degradation; and the financial markets.
4. Following the model laid down by his church's first two leaders, Joseph
Smith and Brigham Young, for Romney there is no such thing as separation of
church and state, regardless of what the Constitution has to say on the matter.
In this regard, it is important to note that whenever Romney talks about the
Constitution, in which the word "God" does not appear, he always starts off
with quoting the one line in the Declaration of Independence in which that word
does appear, referring to "the Laws of Nature and Nature's God." For his
listeners, he thus conflates the Declaration and the Constitution so as to make
it appear that the God concept (which for Jefferson almost certainly connotes
the Deist conception of God, not a presently active one) is indeed part of the
5. Homophobia is imbedded in historical Mormon doctrine (8). Polygamy was
originally encouraged as a way to grow the church flock as quickly as possible.
Since homosexual couples don't procreate, it became unacceptable.
6. Romney's position on abortion is that life begins at the moment of
conception (see his support for the so-called "human Life" amendment that was
up for a vote last fall in Mississippi and most surprisingly went down to
defeat there). Again, following the Mormon tradition, Gilmore (a Mormon himself,
remember) tells us (8), you do what you have to do to gain a larger end. And so
we have Romney's short-lived pro-choice position when he was in Massachusetts.
Romney sees no contradictions here.
7. As far as Romney's attitude towards women and their place in society is
concerned, once again one need only look to original Mormon doctrine. They are
to be seen, not heard, and are really there to grow the Mormon population.
Romney himself had at least one grandmother who was one of five wives of one of
his grandfathers. Recall that the Utah Mormons gave up polygamy only because
that was the only way that they could gain admission to the Union, and the
benefits of rapidly expanding capitalism that would come to their state by
doing so.
8. Finally, he really doesn't think the "47%" are worth his time. And of course, he doesn't have the foggiest notion of exactly who the "47%" are.
For anyone who truly cares about the future of this country and all of its
people a Romney Presidency is going to provide a very bumpy ride.
1. Bello, G., Fitrakis, B., and Wasserman , H., " Does the Romney Family Now Own Your e-Vote?" Friday, 19 October 2012 The Free Press , .
2. Campbell, D.G. and James, C., " NSA Analyst Proves GOP Is Stealing Elections ,"
3. Charnin,
R., "Updated Daily: Presidential True Vote/Election Fraud Forecast Model,
Oct. 31, 2012,
4. itobin53 , "Romney family buys voting machines
through Bain Capital investment," Oct 19, 2012, Select Media, .
5. Daily Kos, " Anonymous gives warning to Karl Rove ," Oct. 28, 2012, .
6. Chin, L., " Has the Election already been
Stolen for Romney/Ryan?" Global Research, October 30, 2012, h ttp://
7. Jonas, S., "Mitt Romney's Issues (that He Doesn't Want Discussed),"
BuzzFlash@Truthout, 05/24/2012,
8. Gilmore, M., "Mitt Romney and the
Ghosts of Mormon History," Rolling Stone, October 25, 2012, p. 62.
Steven Jonas, MD, MPH is a
Professor of Preventive Medicine at Stony Brook University (NY) and
author/co-author/editor/co-editor of over 30 books. In addition to being a
columnist for BuzzFlash/Truthout ( , ), he is the Managing Editor of and a
Contributing Author to