"Homelessness, Who's Next?"
Young-person-homeless-hun-007.jpg by speak4le4.wordpress.com
The most shocking sight to see is children living right here in the richest nation in the world and in some of the richest neighborhoods homeless and starving. Is our country putting more of our families at risk of becoming homeless and at the brink of poverty? Unfortunately 3.5 million people, 39% are children, currently experience homelessness, and it's moving across the United States. Hunger and starvation is increasing not just for adults but for our children as well. Some facts about homeless youth; when it comes to contracting HIV the homeless youth is ten times more likely the higher risk. Runaway females living homeless on the streets account for a tenth of the homeless and are reportedly pregnant. This year out of the 260 runaways and homeless youth on the streets of our cities will die from assault, some illness and or suicide. We need to make a change, "Homelessness, Who's Next?"
Book Cover- From Home to Homeless to Success by Dr. Carlton Young