This is not an article so much as a suggestion for an article to be followed by people with more information resources than I have at my disposal. If it strikes their fancy, someone like Robert Parry or other progressive author concerned with the "meta" processes involved in our struggle for freedom can flesh out an integrated description of the "Right's" attempt to establish an authoritarian, one-party state to replace American Democracy (an avowed and stated goal.)
The premise is simple. The "Right Wing" - and we need a better name there - has for 40 years attacked Education, Information (news), Logic and Reason (via the religious fundamentalist wing) to the point where now all they have to do is HARVEST the results. Have someone with a good idea? Have your goons shout them down in public. Have someone with a progressive idea? Showcase them in a "debate" with a Limbaughite wingnut to show that their idea is just a silly opinion (and don't try to rebut the Limbaughite.)
The "Right" has turned a good solid 20+% of the public into ANGRY ANTI-REASON THUGS. The mere attempt to just EXPLAIN a position is met with derision. Forget trying to EXPLORE an issue.
They have produced a crop of "spoiled babies", who only want what they've been told to want, and who will do nothing with you or for you until that demand is satisfied. They have, in fact, produced a "Brown-Shirt" LAYER in society, to which they turn to stop any forward political progress in this country.
The Republican stonewalling of Obama so far will not offend these people - because they've been told that nothing they do to "win" is wrong, even up to and including throwing the country down the toilet, as long as "they" gain power.
These people need to be exposed as the sub-90 IQ insurgents that they are - an army of the easily-angered, easily-led who could not pass a citizenship test based on the constitution to save themselves.
The people who "run" this crowd - who exploit them, lead them and direct them as weapons against any progressive or otherwise embarrassing idea - need to be identified, isolated and defeated.
See "The Republican Noise Machine" by David Brock. Things have only gotten worse since that book was published.