- There never were any spies. Neither here nor there.
- The people recently arrested in the US were the long-term money-launderers sent in the end of 1990s to the US by some Russian mafia in power. That mafia has now lost part of that power and new money-launderers are to be put in the US.
- The people arrested and convicted in Russia were the greedy folks who wanted to sell some stuff they knew about to the highest bidder without sharing with the proper Russian goons. They were punished for that.
- The swap became possible exactly because of the accusation of spying. If the people here were accused of money-related crime they could not be swapped.
- The whole swapping operation was predefined and was a nice gift from Obama administration to the goons currently in power in Russia. The four people released there most likely had some private connections.
- In a gesture of gratitude Russia did not deliver arms for which Iran paid them in full and also officially STOPPED THE ADMITTANCE IN ALL ITS MILITARY COLLEGES, thus effectively killing its own army.
- Our US MSM as usual lied with amazing impunity and cynicism. Well, Russian MSM lied too for that matters. They all smirked.
Eat your checkers. End of the story.