Good Morning Governor Walker.
Just wanted to take a moment to thank you for all you have done for American labor.
It's been a long string of disappointments for labor in the US. But that's to be expected what with global free exploitation ... I mean free trade, at the disposal of neo-capitalists everywhere. If they can't exploit workers over here, then they can just go exploit workers over there. Right?
But you, sir, have picked up the hammer and struck a blow for the American worker. Although in fairness you certainly did not intend it. By putting your greed, your utter contempt for social order on display for all the world to see, you, sir, have labor on the march again across America, with a purpose not seen in this great land for decades.
This, of course, presents a bit of problem at election time for the corporate poll-pushers and the media oracles who love to suggest that "blue collar workers are turning to the Republican party in ever-increasing numbers." Think labor is going to be voting Republican this time around? You can pretty much forget that. You showed them the light, and you reminded them why they have unions to begin with.
I wonder if you have given any thought to the Republican families who will be affected by your plans -- should they ever be enacted. Sure, some will be duped into believing that a movement bought and paid for by David and Charles Koch will care when your plan pulls wages and benefits out from under their Republican families right along with Democratic families. To cheer themselves up they can throw a party, and serve tea.
You sit right there, and don't budge an inch. Big Blue is on the march again.