It might seem counter-intuitive, ridiculous, or even blasphemous to thank God for these two men, but I believe it is the only way we can approach the matter.
Kings such as these have been sent to us as a wake up call. By holding their actions, beliefs, and deeds up to the light we are able to see what the words "wrong" and "evil" mean. This provides us with a much clearer understanding of that which is "righteous" and "good." It allows us to leave our "selves" behind for a moment, and think of what it might be like to be in a concentration camp or in a village being bombed. It helps us to understand the value of the Golden Rule, which supersedes all laws of men and is the basis of all religions.
If you still do understand what I mean, take a look at what has happened since George W. Bush took office. Do not look at his policies or actions, but notice the mass awakening of the Holy Spirit that has occurred within a whole new generation of humanity. In my own particular case, because of the injustices I saw happening all around me, I was able to rediscover my spirit and my eternal soul and its relation to God. Through terrible men, we might actually find our salvation.
We can see that what happened in Nazi Germany could easily happen here in the United States, and indeed has already been occurring. But we have become awake to the deception of our leaders, which helps to make us immune to their propaganda. And if we are able to imagine the worst fate that could possibly befall us and then realize that we have nothing to fear as death comes to us all and is the time when we meet our Creator, then we may finally gain our freedom from this war of terror. Terror is only a condition of the mind; be not afraid.
But we should never forget that the devil has set many traps to ensnare us. It is at these crucials times in our lives that we must maintain a continued vigilance over our souls. I understand that we all want to see a better world for our children, but do you not think that was the aim of Hitler and the Bush clan? "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" We must not desire power and control to enact our changes, because the truly powerful changes spout forth from within. And this message of God, of goodness, and of peace spreads like wildfire among the kindling of dried up souls. Let us set humanity ablaze.
We must seek to understand men like George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler. Why did they do such awful things to humans? Did they know they were evil or did they honestly think they were going to fulfill a great vision for the future? We need to learn from them so that their mistakes are not repeated again. Do not mistake me, Hitler should not be excused from his actions and Bush needs to be held accountable for the laws he has broken and the war crimes he has committed, but we mustn't hate these men. What good comes from hate?
For any of those who do not know it, or who may have forgotten it, I shall provide the Lord's Prayer as I find it to be of great help:
- Our Father, who art in heaven,
- Hallowed be thy Name.
- Thy kingdom come.
- Thy will be done,
- On earth as it is in heaven.
- Give us this day our daily bread.
- And forgive us our trespasses,
- As we forgive those who trespass against us.
- And lead us not into temptation,
- But deliver us from evil.
- [For thine is the kingdom,
- and the power, and the glory,
- for ever and ever.
- Amen.]
I know it might be hard, but we ought to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. We forgive ourselves every day for things we do wrong and, in this same way, we must learn to drown our hatred for these evil men, see them as men like you and I, and use the love given to us by God to forgive them. It is the only way we might hope to progress.
Thank you for reading. I wish you all the happiness and peace this world has to offer. It is a lot.