Close up. Face of Lord Buddha, head of curly hair, lips, almond shaped eyes, Pakistan or Afghanistan, Gandharan region, 4th/6th century, stucco with traces of pigment, Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois, USA
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Terrorism is the Symptom; Imperialism is the Cause
The War on Terror started we were told after 9/11 to fight the terrorists, but it turns out American imperialism is what has largely caused terrorism in the first place. According to this (2014) article by research scholar Garikai Chengu from Harvard University "America Created al-Qaeda and the ISIS Terror Group":
"Truth is, the only way America can win the "War On Terror" is if it stops giving terrorists the motivation and the resources to attack America. Terrorism is the symptom; American imperialism in the Middle East is the cancer. Put simply, the War on Terror is terrorism; only, it is conducted on a much larger scale by people with jets and missiles."
Now the U.S. is funding terrorists to topple the Syrian government of President Bashar al Assad. Empires are evil to the core. They kill, maim, divide and conquer--they do whatever it takes to get ultimate control and total power.
An independent, self-determined Syria cannot be allowed to exist in the eyes of the U.S. Empire. Russia was asked by the Syrian government to help defeat Al Qaeda, so they are there in Syria legally, but the United States is in Syria uninvited. Once again, interfering with a sovereign state, our government is in violation of international law. Russia and China will always be threats to the U.S. Empire until they are conquered. That's how empire thinkers think.
This article--Trump Protects Al Qaeda, "The Resistance" Applauds, Cursing "Russians" by Glen Ford, Black Agenda Report executive editor on September 6, 2018--says that Trump is carrying on the imperialistic tradition of Obama and Bush, and that liberals too perceive Russia as the enemy.
it is sad, very sad, and it's unfortunate when we find out we have been lied to in so many ways about so many things by the government, the mainstream media, the church and school. We are living in a matrix--a social matrix. The Buddha also said we live in an illusion, a perceptual and conceptual matrix.
It now seems like the book 1984 is an understatement. It's time for more people to wake up.
In the article " A Diabolic False Flag Empire: A Review of David Ray Griffin's 'The American Trajectory: Divine or Demonic?' (September 6, 2018)," Edward Curtin reminds us that there is a great suppression of truth and millions have been tragically killed. My question is how do we create a peaceful, loving, and happy world?:
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