Barack Obama has single handedly wrecked America. I can't believe all those idiots elected him twice. That just shows the whole system is rigged. If we are going to fix Obama's mess, then Americans will have to elect a real leader. That person is Donald Trump.
Here are ten reasons why everyone should vote for Donald Trump:
Donald Trump is not a p*ssy.
That guy on Fox News was right. Barack Obama is a p*ssy. Why kind of man cries on TV? So what if some kids got shot? Kids get shot every day. I can tell you this. You will never see Donald Trump crying about dead kids.Donald Trump will kick out the Mexicans.
Donald Trump is the only candidate with a plan to kick out the Mexicans. What are the rest of the candidates going to do with all of the damn Mexicans? They can't stay here. Mexicans don't do anything but commit crimes and live on welfare. We need a president who isn't afraid to get rid of the damn Mexicans. Donald Trump will get rid of them and he won't let them sneak back either. He's going to build a high-security fence that keeps them out.Donald Trump will ban Muslims.
Didn't we learn anything on 9/11? Muslims want to destroy America. Why do we let them enter our country? It doesn't make sense. Donald Trump will ban Muslims. If they want to be terrorists, then they can do it in their own country.Donald Trump will make us all rich.
Everyone wants to be rich. As president, Donald Trump will show everyone how to be rich just like he is. Then everyone will be rich and happy. What more could we want in a president?Donald Trump will end socialist healthcare.
Before Obama was president everyone had to pay a fair price for healthcare. Then Obama came along and gave everyone free healthcare. Now healthcare is too expensive for anyone to afford. The system is completely screwed up thanks to Obama. Donald Trump will end socialized healthcare so that we can all pay fair a price for healthcare again.Donald Trump will put a white man back in the White House.
It's called the White House for a reason. I don't know why people thought it was a good idea to elect a black president, but it was a stupid idea. Barack Obama is the worst president ever. Technically, he's not even allowed to be president because he was born in Nigeria. History proves that white men make the best presidents. Just look at Mount Rushmore. I don't see any black faces up there. Do you? There's a very obvious reason for that.Donald Trump will trample Hillary Clinton.
I can't believe that Hillary Clinton is even a candidate. I mean...UGH! What are people thinking? Just look at her. Women have no business running for president. What with all of that blood gushing out of their eyes and out of their, uh...whatevers! Least of all Hillary Clinton. Her whole life has been nothing but a scandal. Donald Trump is the only candidate who is brave enough to expose Hillary Clinton for what she is. Just wait until Donald Trump reveals the truth about Benghazi.Donald Trump is a real American.
Obama was born in Nigeria, Ted Cruz was born in Canada, but Donald Trump is a true blue American. Go back as far as you want and you will find that every one of Donald Trump's relatives was born in America.Donald Trump is friends with Putin.
America needs a president that gets along with other world leaders. Vladimir Putin wants to be friends with Donald Trump. Just imagine what the two of them could accomplish together.Donald Trump is honest.
America needs a strong leader who isn't afraid to insult his enemies. It doesn't matter if you are a Muslim, or a Mexican, or a woman, or a Jew, or a black guy, or a street bum, or the leader of an allied country, or whatever. If Donald Trump doesn't like you, he is going to tweet whatever he thinks about you to millions of people whenever he darn well pleases. No one else is brave enough to be that honest.
I could keep going, but you get the point. If you want a president that will really have an impact when he gets elected, vote for Donald "I am not a p*ssy" Trump.
A red-blooded American