My daughter told me that she turned my six year old granddaughter on to one of her first Ted Talks with this one.
She used it to teach my granddaughter about what kinds of things to want are important.
The talk shares a project that took photos of about 150 different aspects of how and where people live-- from brushing teeth, cooking, roofs, and front doors.
The video is superb and I'm really proud that my six year old granddaughter sat through it. It shows how people on the poor end have very different
See how the rest of the world lives, organized by income | Anna Rosling Ronnlund What does it look like when someone in Sweden brushes their teeth or when someone in Rwanda makes their bed?
(Image by YouTube, Channel: TED) Details DMCA
Anna Rosling Ronnlund: See how the rest of the world lives, organized by income