Dairy products are linked to heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions causing consumers to choose healthier non-dairy milks. US dairy sales will continue to decline until 2020 [click here].
Yet, the government keeps wasting our taxpayer dollars bailing out the failing dairy industry. For instance, the USDA announced in 2016 it would purchase 11 million pounds of cheese $20 million [click here]. It later announced it would purchase $20 million more cheese [click here]. If the dairy industry doesn't want to change with the market, taxpayers should not be forced to bail them out.
The State of Michigan is giving a new dairy processing plant in St. Johns a tax break for 15 years ["$510M Dairy Processing Facility Planned for Michigan," Detroit News, August 9]. We need to tell the State of Michigan [.michigan.gov/snyder/0,4668,7-277--267869--,00.html] the new dairy facility should have to pay its fair share of taxes.