Let us all not become depressed reading all we wish were different. All of it put together is depressing me, and at least a couple of others here at OpEd that I know as well.
Take a break and watch beautiful starling symphonies painting transforming mosaics in the sky. I watched several and picked these two. There are many more online.
Amazing Starlings Murmuration Before sunset in winter the starlings swarm over the city of Rome. It is amazing to watch the birds in flight. Swarms act like one being.
(Image by YouTube, Channel: Ruedi Abbuhl) Details DMCA
You won't believe this INCREDIBLE Starling murmuration!!! The flight of starlings, a hypnotic acrobatic display of swooping and diving in unison and then landing which is simply breathtaking to witness. How they fly ...
(Image by YouTube, Channel: JimNotJon) Details DMCA