The democratic candidates last
night really were quite informative.
THE GOOD... It was refreshing to have a discussion without smears (Hillary) and to realize that there are many issues that both candidates share the same position on, which makes the difference in the two parties very clear. It was good to see Ms. Clinton's knowledge of world affairs on display. It was refreshing to hear Mr. Sanders speaking clearly and giving direct, honest answers.
THE BAD... Once again we saw Ms. Clinton duck making hard commitments to taking on the banks and wall street. When asked if she would release transcripts of her wall street speeches, she used the absurd excuse to avoid answering of, 'if republicans do it I will'! (she knows Bernie has none). I mean we all know that republicans are corporate whores and sell out to the highest bidder... so in essence, Hillary was saying she would absolutely not release her speeches. WHY? The most obvious reason of course, would be she is telling wall street something different than she tells voters. I love that she played the female victim card with her silly "level playing field" excuse... so I guess that means she is playing in the republican field. Very sad.
THE UGLY... The republican candidates. They have repeatedly shown they are owned by billionaires and greedy corporate interests. We just need our democratic candidate to be crystal clear that they are going to fight for average working Americans and be willing to stand tough against the greed of the 1% plutocrats and their tealiban stormtroopers.