On the Democratic side stands Hillary Clinton, a neo-con with the backing of the likes of Robert Kagan, co-founder of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) and more recently The Foreign Policy Initiative (FPI). PNAC provided the blueprint for the war in Iraq in 2000 with its publication of Rebuilding America's Defenses. In this document, PNAC advocated the transformation of the U.S. into a war machine that needed to flex its military muscle by fighting multiple wars to spread U.S. "democratic" values, including wars in Iraq and Iran. No wonder Hillary Clinton advocated war with both of these Middle Eastern nations. Now, PNAC is back in action with the founding of the FPI in 2014, and Kagan's recent backing of Hillary Clinton.
On the Republican side stands Donald Trump, a man who would wall off the U.S. from the rest of the world, declare war on the press, monitor Muslims, and use religion as a basis for prohibiting entry in the U.S. Here stands a man who always gets back at his rivals and would not hesitate to use waterboarding and "even worse" on those he suspects might be terrorists.
So the American people are now likely to face a choice between an imperialistic neo-con on a mission to embroil us in multiple wars, on the one hand, and a fascistic oppressor, on the other. This goes beyond choosing between the evils because it is difficult to choose which poison is less lethal. Death, oppression, and the loss of U.S. dignity worldwide are likely to be the result, either way we turn.
This is why Bernie Sanders cannot sit on the sidelines. He has started a "revolution" and he needs to see it through. Bowing out at this juncture is to turn his back on all of us who have looked forward to the revitalization of the democratic spirit wherein the people, not the top one percent, wield the power. Sanders needs to be steadfast in taking his vision to its logical conclusion.
What is this conclusion? THE FOUNDING OF A THIRD PARTY! The present party system is fractured. Both the Democratic and Republican parties have morphed into nightmarish oppressors of human rights. There is no real choice without Sanders establishing himself as a viable alternative.
Sanders needs to run as an independent. This will set a valuable precedent for American politics. Whether or not Sanders wins the election, he will emerge as the leader of this new party. There is presently no choice without Sanders running as a third party candidate. Sanders will not be seen as a formidable opponent of the establishment unless he takes it on now--not in a diminished capacity after the election, but now when he has the bully pulpit.
But without the voices of his millions of supporters up to concert pitch, Sanders is not likely to heed the call and will instead bow out gracefully after the California primary. Like Puff the Magic Dragon, he will retreat into his cave, and the U.S. will sink deeper and deeper into the wasteland of the politics of power and oppression.
There is now still time for Sanders to declare himself as a third party candidate and to get his name on the ballot. But we need to let him know that we NEED him to run. Otherwise there is no choice, not even between the least of the two evils.
This is why this call to action NEEDS TO GO VIRAL. PLEASE SHARE THIS ARTICLE WITH AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN AND ASK THEM TO DO THE SAME. That way, we will muster the support we need for the establishing of a third party candidate who can give us a real choice.