Did you see the slugfest on the Sunday talk shows yesterday, Truthseekers? It was brutal. The IRS "scandal" and the alleged snooping into AP reporters' personal records were the topics du jour. But no matter how many punches the Neocons threw, they were unable to knock-out Team Obama's defense of their right to investigate reporters if there is a question of leaking information that threatens national security.
Hard for the GOPers to argue that it was okay when the Bush Crime Family did it, but wrong if Obama follows suit, right? Anybody remember Valerie Plame?
And it's equally difficult to claim the IRS was "targeting" Tea Party groups when out of 300+ investigations of (alleged) non-profit political groups, only 80 or so were affiliated with the Rapture Righties. This is the expected fallout from Citizens United. It's not a surprise that hundreds of newly-created political organizations crated by that obscene Supreme Court ruling were bound to be investigated to make sure they were legitimate.
Of course that fact doesn't stop Mitch McConnell from accusing the President of creating a "culture of intimidation" at the IRS. A ludicrous claim he was later forced to modify on "Meet the Press" Sunday.
"The NY Daily News reports: 'What we're talking about here is an attitude that the government knows best,' McConnell said on NBC's 'Meet the Press' after he was asked about the IRS's targeting of conservative groups for special scrutiny. 'The nanny state is here to tell us all what to do. And if we start criticizing, you get targeted.'
"'There is a culture of intimidation throughout the (Obama) administration. The IRS is just the most recent example,' he added. 'It's no wonder that the agents in the IRS get the message,' the Kentucky Republican said."
Fortunately, David Gregory wasn't going to let the turtle lay that egg without some explanation. He forced McConnell to prove that Obama personally instigated a culture of intimidation:
"'You can you talk about a culture. Do you have any evidence that the President of the United States directed what you call a culture of intimidation at the IRS to target political opponents?'
"'I don't think we know what the facts are,' McConnell responded. 'The investigation has just begun. So I'm not going to reach a conclusion about what we may find, but what we do know happened is they were targeting Tea Party groups. We know that.'"
Head-spinning, isn't it, Truthseekers? Mcconnell and his ilk throw out all manner of hyperbolic word-bombs at the administration, then are forced to immediately back-peddle and admit they have no facts, no evidence at all to support their outrageous lies.
Benghazi is fizzling out for them, too, as it is increasingly obvious there was not administration attempt to cover-up anything. McConnell was again forced to admit on Sunday, as Think Progress describes:
"On Sunday, during an appearance on Meet The Press, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) -- the GOP leader in the senate -- distanced himself from Republican efforts to portray the Obama administration's response to the attacks on a U.S. diplomatic issue in Benghazi, Libya as a Watergate-level scandal that should result in impeachment. McConnell's comments come just days after the White House released 100 pages of emails undermining GOP claims that administration officials doctored the public talking points U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice used to discuss the incident on the Sunday morning talk shows.
"'You're talking about others who may have said various things about this, let me tell you what I think about it. It's clear there was inadequate security out there and it's very clear that it was inconvenient within six weeks of the election, for the administration to in effect announce, that it was a terrorist attack,' McConnell said. 'I think that's worth examining, it is going to be examined.'
"But asked repeatedly if Republicans should tone down their attacks against the administration, McConnell demurred, saying only that Obama should allow for an investigation. He also couldn't identify specific evidence of an administration cover-up:
"DAVID GREGORY: 'But you have specific evidence that they made up a tale, or was it based on information they had at the time?'
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