Hurricane Irene is ready to rip up the East Coast and President Obama, currently vacationing at Martha's Vineyard, has been put on alert. The hurricane is scheduled to make landfall in about 48 hours, and is predicted to hit as a category 2 storm. The President wanted a category 1, but Boehner wanted a category 3, so Obama gave in.
Moammar Gadaffi is still managing to hold onto a thread in
Libya, as rebel forces and NATO troops advance on his position and will likely
oust him before the end of the week. Makes you wonder what tricked-out US
government-issue bunker and stash of weapons will be uncovered when he's found. We elevate them to power, then we topple them again.
So many dictators, so many dirty deals, so many lives lost to oil.
And the Obama administration is accelerating its investigation of Julian Assange and Wikileaks after the recent revealing document dump last week, including the juicy tidbit that Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham assured Libyan dictator Moammar Gaddaffi that they would help him secure military equipment from the US.
Brings to mind Donald Rumsfeld, then special envoy of President Ronald Reagan, meeting with both Saddam Hussein and Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz in December 1983, and the two agreed, "the U.S. and Iraq shared many common interests." Rumsfeld affirmed the Reagan administration's "willingness to do more." Rumsfeld was assured by the U.S. interests section that Iraq's leadership had been "extremely pleased" with his visit, and that "Tariq Aziz had gone out of his way to praise Rumsfeld as a person."
Now Wikileaks is being threatened with espionage and terrorist provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act to reveal the whereabouts of Julian Assange.
Anybody see any irony here? Anyone . . .?? See, the folks at Wikileaks are now the terrorists . . . oh, never mind.