Every year, 12 people are burned to death from gas-pipeline explosions, and 57 people are burned. Such atrocities can be stopped!
The following email was sent to the PHMSA.
'PHMSA Can Stop Gas Pipeline Deaths, 7/27/2023
'Ongoing, scientific, gas pipeline explosion research was published through the American Society of Mechanical Engineers in July, 2023. [A] paper that documents this technology was titled, "Fluid Transients Ignited the San Bruno Gas Pipeline Explosions". A primary outcome of this recent paper is that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) provide false reports with respect to gas pipeline explosions that burn a dozen people to death, year after year after year.
'Failure reports for pipeline explosions repeatedly conclude that gas pipelines explode from above-ground explosions, when the pipes explode outward. These repeated conclusions are tantamount to claiming that a stick of dynamite detonated next to an empty soda can would cause that can to explode outward, which is absurd. Yet, NTSB reports supported by the PHMSA endorse similar claims - repeatedly.
'Since the NTSB and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) do not have email contacts, please forward this information to them. Also, drafts of this paper were forwarded to PHMSA staff, and no comments were received. We can work together to stop explosions and death.'
This new publication presents detailed science behind an Op Ed (Gas Pipeline Explosions and Deaths can be Stopped! - The San Bruno and Carlsbad Pipeline Explosions - Recent Findings), which describes the horrors of the San Bruno burn deaths. The scope of this fire and explosion is shown in Figure 1, and the exploded piping is shown in Figure 2 ("NTSB Investigation - San Bruno Pipeline Explosion", .youtube.com/watch?v=d-4B7DYVL2g). The NTSB falsely claims that this pipe exploded outward from an explosion that ignited above the ground. Such a statement constitutes a monumental, continuing cover-up of the facts.
This latest communication documents a long-standing, deadly, safety concern that has not been addressed by the PHMSA or NTSB.
'PHMSA Inaction Will Kill People, 5/18/2019
'PHMSA inaction is a serious problem that will result in loss of life. A clearly identified explosion hazard has been provided to the PHMSA, which constitutes a potential national emergency - people will continue to die until action is taken. Based on years of research, the basic theory has been presented [to the PHMSA] to monitor pipeline performance and stop explosions, yet the PHMSA fails to act. The PHMSA and the NTSB reported explosions with uncertain causes for decades, and I provided that missing explosion cause, yet the PHMSA fails to act. Accordingly, gas pipeline and oil pipeline safety is in jeopardy.'
Gas-pipeline explosions keep on coming, where not all explosions are deadly ("Gas pipeline explodes near Interstate 81 in Virginia", click here). About 75% of explosions are claimed to have unknown ignition sources, but I have proven an ignition source. The other 25% of pipeline explosions are attributed to digging accidents, where the probable cause of the piping leaks that needed repair were internal pipeline explosions. The NTSB and the PHMSA of the Department of Transportation (DOT) fail to act.
I keep knocking at the door of the PHMSA to stop the killing of our people, but the door to stop burn deaths remains locked - tight.