I have often praised RT's Oxana Boyko for her incisive, in-depth political interviews, but today, as Europe flirts with a Grexit while attacking Russia in the courts, her interview with Princeton Professor Stephen Cohen, America's foremost Russian expert, should supercede all other intellectual priorities.[tag]
At one point, Profesor Cohen remarked that the title of Boyko's program 'Worlds Apart' aptly described the two participants, as he tried to gently but firmly convince Boyko that Russians do not understand anything about American politics. Cohen is convinced there is a deep policy rift vis a vis Russia in the Obama White House, but I would take exception to his belief that Obama really has the power to make final decisions on foreign (or for that matter any other) policy.
I believe that the most tragic aspect of America's foreign policy today is the fact that whoever is in the White House merely takes orders from the powers that be: the military/financial/indstrial complex.