As an ex-New Yorker who grew up on Long Island reading Newsday, it was disheartening to learn the editorial board endorsed Hillary Clinton. Living in Florida since 1992, there is one major drawback; Florida is predominantly and embarrassingly a Republican state, home to the infamous hanging chads election in 2000, when George W. Bush ran against Al Gore. Jeb Bush, Republican Governor and Katherine Harris, Republican Secretary of State and co-chair of Bush's Florida campaign, along with the Supreme Court conspired in declaring George W. Bush the winner. Al Gore cut his challenge short to "save our Democracy." Leading up to the Supreme Court decision and late Justice Antonin Scalia's comment "Get over it," there was plenty of voter suppression and fraud. or
In 2016, because primaries in several states including Florida have been corrupted and stolen by the DNC and the corporate media, Bernie should fight on. Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC have been cagier than the Florida Republicans in 2000 in vying for the 2016 Democratic nomination. Before Bernie even announced his candidacy, the Hillary Victory Fund, in a convoluted fundraising scheme, essentially bought 33 states and its superdelegates for on average $64,000.
Corporate media has short changed Bernie's campaign right up to the final Town Hall the night before the Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island primaries. Chris Matthews, favoring Hillary, whose super PACs have donated sizeable dollars to his wife's Maryland political campaign, cut away from Bernie's segment to bring us "breaking news" about the Republican sideshow. Every win that Sanders' campaign notched in their belt, the networks invited multiples of Hillary supporters to their news desk to dissect how the win wasn't really a win after all.
Millions of Democrats have abandoned the party, registering as Independents, because they are disgusted with politics as usual. Hillary again choosing the status quo garners huge sums of money from lobbyists, corporations and wealthy individuals. She still refuses to release the transcripts from her $225,000 speeches to Goldman Sachs. And while she posted several years tax returns on her website, "The Shared Secret Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Don't Want You To Know" reveals Mrs. Clinton taking advantage of Delaware tax loopholes. One wonders if the $16 million in speaking fees deposited there is reported on her tax returns.
In 2008, had Hillary Clinton gone to the mats in support of single-payer healthcare, shattering the nation's highest glass ceiling would have been celebratory. In 2016, shattering the glass ceiling is not enough! There are a lot more milestones of monumental importance. She had her chance in 2008 to stand out and earn the support of progressives. She declined and all we got was an insincere offer of a public option which was dead in the water from the onset as the health insurance industry denigrated it to the fullest degree possible. The health insurance, pharmaceutical and financial institutions paid our representatives and senators alike, staggering sums of money to come down on the "right" side of the issue. A few links of interest on this site are:
Hillary likes to say Obama trusted her judgment; however, it is more likely Obama offered her the Secretary of State position as a carrot to win over her supporters who were profoundly disappointed at the loss. It is conceivable Hillary took that position as a stepping stone to reach her future ambitions of again running for president. She says her supporters moved over to Obama because, "she asked them to." Things are not the same in 2016. Much has been exposed. Bernie's supporters are no longer going to be lead to slaughter like sheep.
Clinton expects Sanders to turn over his supporters as she turned over hers. Sanders does not have his personal ego on the line here. His world view as demonstrated in his policies and his motivation is not personal in nature. His message of income inequality, climate change, not privatizing prisons, free education, and single payer health care and overturning Citizen United is resonating. Bernie has spoken the truth about the political system, corporate media and corporate America.
Young people nationwide are supporting Sanders. Like Pope Francis, they see a spark of light in Sanders, a man who stands by his principles, rich in many ways other than financial. Married and faithful to the same woman for 27 years it is obvious they have a mutual respect for each other and the millions of people supporting his campaign against all odds; be it the media, voter suppression, misinformation about super delegates, and Hillary's Facebook Trolls taking down Bernie Facebook pages the night before Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Delaware primaries by posting child pornography images. Other Hillary Trolls complained to Facebook about "pornography," and Facebook dutifully shut them down for 4 hours, the night before 5 state primaries!
Hillary has been adopting many Bernie talking points, changing the words to make it seem the ideas are her own. We used to call that plagiarism. Newsday's endorsement made reference to Hillary "using a private email server for official communications as secretary of state as a mistake in judgment for which she has apologized." Others would say calling that decision a mistake in judgement is way too generous and choose to label it stupidity and arrogance, particularly to then expect to be rewarded with the office of presidency. It brings to mind executives on Wall Street coming close to bankrupting America and not serving a single year in prison.
Newsday editorial board rationalizes "Hillary's vote to authorize military action in Iraq as part of the accepted wisdom and emotion of the time and given the results, a regrettable choice." If it was you, your child or a friend who lost life or limb in Iraq, it has to be difficult to justify this debacle, turn a blind eye to the results and reward this individual with the presidency.
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The other flagship paper from my home state, the New York Times, has its ethics in question where the storyline of an article giving praise to Bernie Sanders was revamped by adding a couple of paragraphs and altering several words to completely change the meaning of the piece when complaints were registered by Hillary's campaign. or
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