Pastor Terry Jones' Koran-burning threat stunt sustained a worldwide mass media buzz from TV, internet and print media, and received ample attention from the highest levels of governments, churches and public groups.
This purportedly righteously motivated religious and free speech expression garnered free publicity worth billions, like wildfire spreading around, destroying and distorting the pinnacles of the purposes of the venerated freedoms of religion, speech, assembly and the press.
Had anyone heard of, or read about, and had any journalist
researched, Pastor Jones? Apparently, Pastor Jones's book, entitled Islam Is of the Devil, is now sold
out at
Islam is of the Devil: Know the SPIRITUAL
TRUTHS That Will Bring the CHRISTIAN CHURCH Back to Its GOD-GIVEN Position,
by Terry Jones, is temporarily unavailable.
Pastor Jones's book was apparently published in August, shortly before announcing his intention to pull off his stunt.
Profiteering from an inflammatory book, at the expense of Islam, is, these days, an apparently acceptable pastime and possible motivator for creating such a worldwide conflagration.
However, being responsible raises further questions: What other purposes are served by further inflaming peoples around the globe on all sides of this question? And, Who else profits?
From one unfavorable review of the book, with 69 readers out of 103 rating the review helpful, the deft writer, from reading book excerpts that provided [Note: amazon's page-turning option was not available as of this writing], states that Jones claims his qualification for being able to write about Islam is "having lived in Germany for a few years."
The reviewer further reports that Jones talks with a corporal who served in Iraq.
Lastly, the reviewer reports that Jones quotes Koranic Sura 9:5, which talks about killing unbelievers. The reviewer states, --the author has the gall to straight-facedly say, "If you search the whole Bible, can you find a verse that comes close to that instruction? ... [It] does not have a verse that tells us to find unbelievers and kill them.' Right. Except for Deut 17:12, Exodus 22:19, II Chron 15:12-13, Deut 13:13-19, Deut 13:7-12, Deut 17:2-5, Numbers 25:1-9, and on and on it goes."
Instead of fanning flames of hate, let's disarm hate with reason, understanding and the actual basis of our country, our rights to freedom of religion, speech and press. And let's support our press in carrying forward its noble tradition. It needs our help.