Sonnet for Labor Day Week
by John Kendall Hawkins
for Ed Snowden
I want to celebrate the life of work
and labor, and comradeship. Wear my Che.
And cherish my minimum wages pay
that sees me just eking by like some jerk,
living out of my Plymouth Duster husk,
with its Slant 6 providing warmth, and light
to read the Craigslist gig ads, my wine white.
I see Times Square's looking for an ur-busk.
I reckon it's time for Big Labor's rise --
time for 8 billion plebs to say No More
and to call the Founding Fathers a whore.
Say, Democratic Socialism. Their eyes!
That'll put me on the Dissenter's List
and see me Sam-eyeballed until I'm mist.