''From Here To Eternity'' ; Burt Lancaster, Deborah Kerr
(Image by Movie-Fan from flickr) Details DMCA
Sonnet With French Commercial Breaks
by John Kendall Hawkins
One little comment could be the straw that.
You bake in the mourning sun denuded
of your dreams. Sashays, waves, smiles can't move you,
not just because you're hungover -- that too --
but because she wants no more deluded
intimations of love. She says, You're fat.
I rub lotion up the base of her spine
while she reads aloud Simone de Bourgeois.
I parry with Nietzsche's amor fati,
Billy Bulger pressing tutti tati,
hands all over her bowl of Vichyssoise.
Give her a happy slap on her behind.
A clause says she gets to keep the Peugeot,
but I keep the tix for Moulin Rouge, though.