Sonnet: The Church of the Quantum
by John Kendall Hawkins
The priest read from the Book of Multiverse
some apocryphal long-forgotten curse.
Little cluster fucks of laughter rained down
from the goyles amused at our apostasy
as we marched from the Church of the Quantum
all duckrabbit happy, qbit wampum
jingling in our jeans, post-hypocrisy,
fast-talking like auctioneers on the town.
I had the jitters, felt the need to pee,
angry that they'd served up diuretic tea.
At home we watched two-minute hate, no sounds,
I was a formless, gormless monster, all steam,
alternating between Kate and Jim Beam;
we made duckrabbit love, in/out, off/on hounds.
(Article changed on Aug 02, 2021 at 3:41 PM EDT)