Sonnet: J'Accuse, Mea Culpa, Freedom's Debauchery
by John Kendall Hawkins
Got me some heartbreak of psoriasis
which at first I mistook as postmod love
shiny visceral, empty as a dove
I lived lost and was on denialsis
My neurons itched, flaked, and fell, morn and night
twin lobes of mind downed in their own engrams
through a series of whambamthankyouma'ams
I finally came to terms with my plight
Took advantage of Lady Liberty
from the ferry snapped pictures of her nude
bimblebeed her honey pot -- that's how lewd
made her meat, put a sign out: rib for free
Still hold a torch, even in misery,
for the French whore from Moulin's Rougery