Sonnet: Got Me A China Syndrome You Wouldn't Believe
by John Kendall Hawkins
At the Great Wall of China a massive yak shat
on my foot, my yellow smoking cabbie laughing
his ass off at my disoriented gaffing,
holding dreck vendors in a bucky beaver chat.
Back at the hotel, ring, do I want a massage?
No. ring No. ring. "Okay, I send now." No! Sh*t faced,
gathering up done-dumpling days, seemingly chased
from China by ghosts from an opium passage.
And in Tianjin, old Mrs. Lee kicked my ass
at pingpong, hopping from foot to foot like a pro.
I tried to save face, said, I have a knee. "Ho-ho,"
she goes, "you no like lose to old lady." Such brass!
In China, I taught IT, rat traps everywhere,
drunken cars careened wreckfully. I lived in fear.