Unfortunately Pakistan, whose creation was presupposed to be a testimonial for the Islamic fundamental principles, lags behind in the subject of social-justice implementation. Herein, the affluent families wielded a predominant control over Pakistan's decisionmaking. This proved as a menace, which badly derailed the system from the exact path that was accountable for undertaking the right decision for a balanced society. There are three testaments through which the condition of social justice in Pakistan can be assessed.
Social Stratification
The sad factor of a society is to suffer social stratification. In fact, it depicts a society as a venue where the differences among the different segments are haplessly observed. In Pakistan, unfortunately, a class division, urban-rural stratification is evident where the elite class is addicted to show their supremacy by dint of immense riches through a variety of tactics. The elite class (exploitative segment) includes landlords, industrialists, military generals, civil bureaucrats and business tycoons.
They manage to stand as distinguished in the society. For the purpose, they utilize certain tactics. (a) They try to be immune from all kinds of moral, ethics and lawful norms. (b) They influence the local, district and divisional executive administration on account of the usage of immense of wealth flow. (c) This class manages to undergo personal links and approaches for setting up business in the coveted zones, discarding the merit.
(d) These big guns avail the services of riches in order to escape from being persecuted in the wake of committing a murder. (e) They mobilize the administration for the sake of being elected as the member of provincial and national assemblies, paving the way for social inequity and injustice. (f) They opt for disturbing the rule of merit, credibility, ability and quality by making the kith and kin inducted in the high posts. (g) These elements wield special control over the rates of commodities, hence making enormous profits though illegal. Under such circumstances, the social stratification is torment for the social justice.
Economic Equilibrium
It is also a criterion to estimate whether a society is entertained with the social justice. In the contemporary circumstances, Pakistani society gives a picture of an economically unbalanced community. The difference between the rich and poor was eminent since the sub-continent was portioned in 1947. More sad-fully, this class difference used to worsen with the passage of time.
Contemporarily, the current crises have added fuel to fire to the area disturbed a balance. The Pakistani populace is divided between rural and urban areas. In rural areas, the huge chunk of the population is directly associated with agriculture, which plays a pivotal role in the financial sector of the country. Nonetheless, this sector in Pakistan suffers bi-fold problems.
First, the farmers do not possess their owned lands where they can do sufficiently the agriculture jobs. Thus, they keep on falling the prey to the landlords' an exploitative mindset. This does not allow the community to contribute productively to the financial sector. Second, the current decline in the security and economic stability has deteriorated the agricultural outcomes the farmers expect in the return of hard work and invested capitals. The corps produced after investing costly fertilizers and soared prices of diesel are unlikely to get the due market rates.
This moribund situation has a negative impact on the rural economy, which discourages the farmers and averts the attention towards opting alternative earning sources. Accordingly, the financial difference among the different classes, contrary to the social justice, is deepening day by day. The urban areas are also not immune to the deterioration in economic equilibrium.
In fact, the business tycoons in the urban and metropolitan hubs avoid from paying taxes and even bills for electricity usage. Thus, the burden of taxation, the common person has to bear, which is baleful for his bargaining capability. Consequently, the rich get richer and the poor become poorer, which widens the class gap.