From Mike Malloy Website
Have I mentioned yet tonight how glad I will be when this election nightmare is over?
Trump is more unhinged every day. His daily rants about rigged polls, rigged elections, and his future lawsuits against all the nasty women who claimed he assaulted them (lies!) are causing grief for all the other GOP candidates who aren't batshit crazy.
Meanwhile, Team Hillary has gained so much ground in recent weeks her surrogates are focusing on taking back the House and Senate. Wouldn't it be loverly to see Bernie Sanders chairing the Senate Budget Committee?
Speaking of lawsuits, so hated is Trump by real Republican candidates they are threatening to sue TV stations that run advertisements linking them to Trump. Well -- you lie down with dogs, you get up with herpes in this case.
HuffPO has more:
"Some Republicans are running so far away from their party's nominee that they are threatening to sue TV stations for running ads that suggest they support Donald Trump.
"Just two weeks before Election Day, five Republicans ? Reps. Bob Dold (R-Ill.), Mike Coffman (R-Colo.), David Jolly (R-Fla.), John Katko (R-N.Y.) and Brian Fitzpatrick, a Pennsylvania Republican running for an open seat that's currently occupied by his brother ? contend that certain commercials paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee provide false or misleading information by connecting them to the GOP nominee.
"Trump is so terrible, these Republicans are essentially arguing, that tying them to him amounts to defamation."
Gotta love it.