I haven't had time, lately, to tell the right-wing provocateurs peopling the media precisely who and what they are from my moral high ground. I have my own bread and circuses to contend with. By their design.
But to my fellow brethren and sister-ren in the blogosphere, do take note of who owns the Post, who designed the cartoon detailing our President as a dead chimpanzee – shot by the NYPD, no less – and who is fanning the flames of outrage. Why, it's the right wing, itself. And for reasons that have nothing to do with the real outrage.
Anyone who has listened to and observed the recorded television transmissions from Dallas, Texas on the day of the assassination of JFK knows full well what media of the caliber of the Post cartoon is intended to accomplish: the psychological preparation of the masses for the murder of another president. At least. At worst, this umpteenth example of bread and circuses has been designed by Murdoch, and his ilk, to sow the seeds of chaos among those of us who still have jobs and are barely keeping their noses above the water line.
As the late Bill Hicks once opined regarding those among us who proclaim their political position on abortion as "pro-life" (rather than anti-privacy), "brothers, sisters, let us come together." It is not that the right wing is evil, or annoying, or idiots, or fuucktards. It is that they are evil, annoying, idiot, fuucktards. For while we are all busy wasting energy allowing ourselves to be scattered to the four winds by the latest in a long, long series of moral outrages, the right wing is busily keeping us from focusing on what needs to transpire to save our species from, at the very least, global enslavement and, at worst, extinction.
Our individual and social focus needs to be very simple, very direct and very, very precise. Remove from power all those who have been in power for the last two hundred years.
If you see the buddha on the road, shoot him. But if you see a Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan or any of their key players or friends wandering about the planet unattended, you need to regard them with all the sacred care you would afford any religious artifact – given their enormously valuable and moral contributions to human civilization to date.
No more bread and circuses. No more B.S. No more doubt. Let us all be perfectly clear. Pray to your higher power, whatever or whomever it is, and unleash the hounds of hell as precisely and as quickly as you can.