I wrote this in 2007[1] after hearing about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed's "confessions,"[2] which were of questionable value since he had been tortured in various CIA prisons before and after ending up in Guantanamo, where he remains. Recently, after 21 years in prison without being tried, he agreed to plead guilty in exchange for a life sentence rather than a death-penalty trial, only to have the plea deal revoked two days later by US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.[3] This led me to rewrite the poem and add some footnotes.
Rockin', rollin', rattlin', movin', shakin'
Incredible breathtaking, belief-defying mastermind
Perp of Perps, Mother of All Crimes
'Tis I, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
The most powerful terrorist of all time[4]
Faster than the FAA and NORAD[5]
More powerful than the US Air Force
Able to pulverize tall buildings with a single plane
And another one with no plane at all.[6]
Look to the skies!
Is It a bird? Is It a plane?
Is it video fakery?[7]
No, it's me, you dummies.
Super Mo!
Forget those outrageous conspiracy theories[8]
I'm the only one you need.
I did it all and more.[9]
You can waterboard me, beat me, keep me
Standing naked and sleepless for days on end
Reduce me to a gibbering idiot[10]
Locked up for decades without a trial
Fry me, shoot me, gas me, poison me
Or just let me rot in your Guantanamo hell[11]
But I will never tell.
And you will never know.
The families you paid off will never know[12]
How jet fuel burns at 2770 degrees[13]
And cuts through steel like butter
Collapsing hundred-story buildings
At free-fall speed into their own footprints
How a hundred tons of airplane can vaporize
Inside the Pentagon and in Shanksville[14]
Vanish into thin earth.
Nothing beside remains.
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