This figure is dwarfed by the countless thousands and thousands of people tortured, raped, humiliated and killed in military custody (almost all completely innocent, some actually guilty of defending their homes and homeland from enemy invasion). This figure is dwarfed by the estimates of over a million Iraqi citizens who were killed by the war and the depleted uranium and the filthy water and the lack of medical attention. This figure is dwarfed by the people who are permanently displaced. This figure is dwarfed by the millions and millions and millions who lost their families, their livelihoods, their way of life and their respect for American integrity.
As tragic and as staggering as those statistics are, those figures are dwarfed by the billions of people on planet earth who now find themselves, surveilled by cameras, microphones, tracking chips and unconstitutional laws such as The Patriot Act, which is used to justify any and all invasions of liberty and privacy of the formerly free citizens of the USA (similar laws now exist throughout the formerly "free world"). In order to travel, people must surrender their rights and pose naked before TSA screeners who use DNA shredding machines and intimidation harkening back to Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union during their heydays. The president has been given the authority to detain, torture and assassinate anyone he sees fit. The military has been used at DWI checkpoints. Library records, bank accounts, personal computers and telephones are all monitored and tracked by the NSA/CIA/Homeland Security apparatus. Cordoned off and isolated free speech zones have replaced the free speech zone that used to be America. This is the world after 9/11.
Let's go back to pre-9/11 and the day of 9/11 for just a minute. On September 10, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld announced that 2.3 trillion dollars were missing from the Pentagon. The offices that housed the investigation of the missing trillions were destroyed on 9/11, along with the investigators. On September 10, 2001, official plans were in place for the attack of Afghanistan. The Patriot Act was written before 9/11 and was voted on despite not being read by one member of congress. The US air defense system costs us half a trillion dollars a year and yet, four hijacked airplanes flew around American air space for an hour and a half and three of the four reached their targets (in spite of the fact that none of the alleged pilots were capable of flying the planes, let alone performing the, in some cases, impossible maneuvers required to hit the targets). Science, not theory, tells us that three buildings do not fall at close to free fall speed into a pile of toxic dust, because two airplanes crashed into two of them.
There are hundreds of more questions, facts and discrepancies that one third of the citizens of the US are asserting. Fully one half of the country does not believe or does not know whether they believe the government's story. As our once great land becomes the script of another end of the world/police state movie, from which all is lost and there is no escape, isn't it time the rest of you started asking some questions of your own?
Here are five of my articles from years past asking the questions that remain unanswered on the ninth anniversary of the "new Pearl Harbor".
Farce: Control of the Village through Terror
Watch this short promo The Zapruder Film of 9/11