As to the President, he is sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, whose Fourteenth Amendment forbids any default on our debt, so that he would be violating his Oath of Office were that to happen. Instead of playing footsie with the House Republican leadership, he should find his spine again and stand tall for American seniors, who have spent their lives building this nation, and now fully deserve the results of their labors. Really ending our two long and fruitless wars would be a great start towards balancing the Federal budget constructively.
As to the AARP, this agency deluges its members with an endless string of emails on secondary subjects while failing to make the protection of social security, medicare, and medicaid its top priority. It seems the AARP believes it is more important to tell seniors where to travel than to see to it that they have the funds to do so. It seems that the AARP finds it more useful to propose better diets for the elderly than to help insure that they can afford to eat healthier. And it seems the AARP has learned little from its previous support of such flawed proposals as the medicare prescription drug plan and the misleading way the cost of living is calculated by the Social Security Administration to deny seniors justified benefit increases to keep up with their own inflation rates. They repeat similar mistakes now.
As to those who might be called the Seniors of Silence , it is that silence with encourages attacks upon social security, medicare, and medicaid. Remember the story of the two men walking down the street, when one asks, Dont you think the two worst things in the world are ignorance and apathy? The other man replies , I don - t know and I don - t care! American seniors need to both know and care. If the growing elderly population in America fails to exercise the strongest possible actions to protect their benefits, they will have themselves to blame for the most unfortunate results of their lack of well-justified outrage!