Truth about issues such as the revival of the tired old Rev. Jeremiah Wright issues the Neocons have tried to use to attack President Obama for half a decade now. Are they really this desperate and devoid of other ideas? There are many legitimate areas where Obama could be challenged, but this is pathetic. Just another reason in a long laundry list of why the GOP hasn't a hair of a chance this November.
And today I received a thoughtful email from our own Bob Alexander,
creator of the "Radio Gumshoe" series and frequent contributor to the
Bob's email cuts straight to the chase about the survival of the human race on this planet, and it includes a petition. Read it. There is no issue more important than the sustainability of life on Earth, is there? Marriage equality, the 99% movement, never-ending terror wars, corporatocracy, dangerous religious fundamentalism -- all is meaningless if we continue on this path of complete environmental destruction. So read on ...
"This is another one of those 'Save The Planet' petitions. The argument is very simple:"It's crazy, but right now, our governments give nearly $1 trillion a year of our taxpayer money to Big Oil and Coal to destroy our planet. Key leaders, including President Obama who is hosting the G8, have already agreed to stop these polluter payments. Now, if we demand they act on their word and divert this huge sum into renewable energy, experts say we could actually save our planet!
"It's a simple no-brainer that our leaders have already agreed to. Let's hold their feet to the fire, and push President Obama to lead the world's largest economies to turn these polluting subsidies green. Sign the urgent petition below and forward this to everyone -- a massive campaign now can force them from talk to action:"The only reason we shovel cash into the coffers of Big Oil is their lobbyists have a stranglehold on our governments. But if we demand that our leaders green our tax-money, we'll increase total global green investment by 400% making solar and wind energy cheaper than oil and coal -- in the process saving the planet by putting Big Oil out of business!
"Now this is a good one -- a trillion released to subsidize green energy and make oil companies unprofitable. Wotta turnaround. Yes, yes, I know a huge, global tide of signatures wouldn't make much difference. The sociopaths running everything will really do what they want, not what the people who pay the taxes want them to. The entire over-population of the world could be unanimous and they would say, like Cheney, 'So...?'
"But a huge number of signers might make some people aware for the first time of just how hollow and unresponsive their 'free' societies are. Maybe something could then be done at least to deal with the huge methane plumes already rising in the oceans... sigh. So I'll sign anyway and be thankful, once again, that I'm old. And shudder when I think of what Nick will have to deal with.
"See the Petition here."
Cynical ol' Bob sees this phrase, "A new plan to save the planet" and wonders -- what was wrong with the old plan? The plight of the Earth wasn't compelling enough?
Weird isn't it?