Sometimes, I wonder if these Trumpists believe their own lies. There is a cultist effervesce about it all, the orange one can say anything he likes and his armies of delusion mass themselves. How far from Kool-Aid stands can we be? The California National Guard has stated it will not honor the Orange one's Transgender ban as sixteen and counting states, plan to sue the Federal Government over the Orange one's phony emergency declaration.
Ronald Reagan, a thousand points of light, compassionate conservatism. Phyllis Schaftly, Anita Bryant, Newt, Boehner, Paul Ryan each a step down, each an empire of defeat. Defeated by their own ideology hoisted on their own petards. It has brought us to this nightmare we cannot wake from. Sessions, Sanders, Colter, Spicer, DeVos and Kelly Ann Conway's alternative facts. We have reached the bottom of the barrel and the end of the Conservative trail.
Andrew McCabe has said in his new book that talk of the 25 th amendment was real and serious. Mitch McConnell claims the Department of Justice is attempting a Coup. The Department of Justice investigates suspicious activities by the President. The President begins firing the upper echelons of the FBI then admits, "it's about the Russia thing." The Cheeto fires Sessions and searches the legal dregs to find a more pliable and less capable Attorney General. The Mueller investigation drones on but is threatened to be overwhelmed by the preponderance of public evidence. The Trump administration had multiple contacts with Russia and Russian intelligence. There were exchanges of money and information. "I love Wiki Leaks!" Donald Trump
Amy Klobuchar says Democrats should elect her because she can reach across the aisle to work with Republicans. What the? Kamala Harris says she's not a Democratic Socialist. Thanks for playing we have some lovely parting gifts, including Rice a Roni the San Francisco treat! The Republicans have proved themselves corrupt and morally bankrupt. Let's reach across the aisle to the mafia/Klan party, let's elect Hillary II. The United States is in the hands of a criminal cabal and this won't end well, the idea of a nuanced approach, give me Hillary or someone just like Hillary is absurd.
We fast approach the Rubicon looking for a bridge to take us back to a decade of senseless war, tax cuts and financial collapse. For two decades wages for the vast majority of working Americans have been flat. Record numbers are behind in their car payments. Record numbers of student loan recipients are behind in their payments. Tens of millions of Americans have never fully recovered from the second Great Depression of 2008.
We have real existential problems in this country which don't involve a wall or Venezuela. We have an empire in the dark of crickets chirping, the porch lights on but no one is home. Runaway military spending to defend a fossil fuel monstrosity. The orange one's tax cut for the 1% no different than our military budget for the 1%. Reports surface of Saudi Arabia's desire for nuclear technology, now why would nice folks in a small country with unlimited wealth and unlimited solar potential want with nuclear technology? While at the same time claiming without proof that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons. There is a madness here far in excess of any prescription written by Doctor Strangelove.
Americans fear good government because they have never seen one. They fear Socialism because they fail to understand Americanism. We have a triumvirate to overcome, a mass media which frames and side steps issues, uneducated masses comfortable with the easy lie the slick contradiction or the personal attack and then there's tradition. Tradition is the tallest mountain, you can sell anything with tradition from religion to snake oil. "How many times do you have to get hit over the head until you figure out who's hitting you?" Harry S. Truman
Actually, it can be pretty difficult, Fox snooze, Limbaugh, Hannity the airwaves are filled with corporate conservatives stoking fears, race baiting and character assassination. If the answer isn't B. then it must be A. Never mind thinking, here is what you think, The Democrats want open boarders and third trimester abortions! They want to take your guns away and let transgenders use your bathrooms! Do I exaggerate?
The Conservative juggernaut has been highly effective until now, they have stolen Presidential elections. They have shifted the tax burden to the poor and remaining middle-class. They have stuffed the judiciary until corporations have free speech and you don't. They have created wars of conquest out of thin air by promoting religious bigotry. And they have done it all while convincing millions, it's the Democrats fault. Now I'm not saying they didn't have help in this.
There is an old saw which says, whenever a phony Republican runs against a real Republican, the real Republican wins every time. Are you listening Hillary? Since the rise of Reaganite Fascism the Democrats have played, me too Republicans, well, maybe charter schools are a good idea? Maybe we should cut taxes for the wealthy? But when the moneys on the other side it's awfully hard to sell sanity in a steal yourself rich extravaganza.
But the orange one has poisoned their well. His collection of ner do wells and minor league criminals. Cast offs and never wases have foundered the Fascist Reaganite ship is on the rocky shores of incompetence. There is now hope for change, real change, not Corporate hope and spare change. Not the change which says, Vote for me because I can work with Republicans. Did the Reaganite Fascists come to power by offering to work with Democrats?
This is a battle for the political soul of the United States. Our adversaries are well armed and well-funded. They do not seek cooperation or accommodation they seek raw, naked power. They want this power to reduce their tax burden and feed at the government contract tit. They don't care about hungry children, collapsing bridges or an impeding environmental apocalypse. They don't care, this is about stealing yourself rich and everything else is tuppence.
Centrist Democrats are beyond their sell date and should be cast into the dust bin of history with the party establishment which enables them. The 2020 Presidential election will be the most pivotal election since the civil war. It will decide whether the American ideal of fairness survives or sinks into the abyss of corporate Fascism. If you believe more of the same is the answer, you're smoking crack.