We are all aware of the searing disparity between what the original foundation of our country was, as intended and written up by the Founding Fathers in the Bill of Rights and Constitution and what we have as our Body Politic of today, spewing with examples of the very opposite of freedom and liberty, unconstitutional laws dominating our society, and anything but a government for and by the People.
According to Rocky, "the highest calling of a lawyer" is to make certain the law is fairly and equally applied. During the next 20 years, Rocky worked with many of the leading lawyers in Salt Lake City.
During his legal career, Rocky, who is listed in Best Lawyers in America, handled many complex commercial cases, including antitrust and securities matters for plaintiffs who had suffered harm. In the 1980s Rocky was instrumental in obtaining payments for thousands of depositors who had lost their life savings in Utah's failed thrifts.
Rocky has always been committed to the principle that justice -- social justice, environmental justice, and economic justice -- must be an essential aim of public policy. His heartfelt commitment to social justice is reflected in many of the numerous articles and columns he has authored for local publications.
During his two terms as Mayor, Rocky was the Chief Executive Officer of Salt Lake City Corp., overseeing a general fund annual budget of over $200 million and almost 3,000 employees. He also was the Chief Administrative Officer over the massive Salt Lake City Redevelopment Agency and was Chief Administrative Officer of the Salt Lake City International Airport. He negotiated with three public employee unions. Salt Lake City being the only city in Utah that engaged in collective bargaining, which was whole-heartedly supported by Mayor Anderson.
After serving two terms as Mayor, Rocky declined to run for a third term and, instead, devoted himself to educating, motivating, and mobilizing people to take action to stop human rights abuses. Anderson recognizes the importance of people at the grassroots level advocating and pushing for change. He has stated, "We keep expecting elected officials will do the right thing, and the fact is they never do unless they're pushed." But while he was serving, he was considered by many to be the "greenest mayor" in the U.S.
Rocky founded High Road for Human Rights, a non-profit organization devoted to achieving major reform of US human rights policies and practices through unique, coordinated, and sustained grassroots activism, complementing the work of other human rights organizations.
High Road for Human Rights primarily addressed five issues: torture and the undermining of the rule of law, genocide, slavery, the death penalty, and the human rights implications of the climate crisis. For his work on human rights matters during his tenure as Executive Director of High Road for Human Rights, Rocky received the Morehouse University Gandhi, King, Ikeda Award and the Bill of Rights Defense Committee's Patriot Award.
Tune into this show to hear a dynamic dialogue about how to get this country off the track it's on and onto one which will serve and empower its People.