Are others feeling the disenchantment that I am feeling as a Republican? I'm not speaking of the current administration either, I am speaking of the current state of the Republican Party. Call me crazy, but our Republican politicians, for the most part, have forgotten the fundamentals of what made the party once successful. They have managed to strictly divide the Republican party down the middle of the right side. Figuratively speaking they've inadvertantly created extreme right wing and left wing Republicans. On the left we have moderate fiscal conservatives who could care less about secondary religious, moral based issues involved in today's politics. On the right you now have the ultra religious social conservatives who's rhetoric seems to revolve around issues that have no place in politics.
It's frustrating hearing the redundant, if not comical, talking points of our party. I'd be a billionaire if I had a dollar for every time I heard the word "tax cuts" as the solution to the economic crisis in the United States. I don't consider myself a scholar by any means, but I would like to believe that the solution is much more complex than tax cuts. The Republicans need to start coming with solutions, rather than banter and finger pointing, if they want to bring the party back to it's popularity.
Our party needs to redirect their efforts in restructuring, adapting, and evolving, if they hope to have a chance in the 2012 election. Strict black and white, old-world, politics have no place in today's political climate.