Religious organizations have always been given tax exempt status. They are prohibited from being involved in the government or politics.
Today one of the most frequently voiced groups is the religious right. They are a powerful lobby within the Republican Party. And if that is the case, they should pay taxes in the same manner as any other corporation.
The United States of America was founded to create a nation that was free to practice any religion they chose, or none at all. Nothing was more important to our founding fathers than separation of church and state. They would be appalled to see how closely they are tied today.
Whoever convinced a huge number of Americans that the United States was founded on Christianity, are the same people who are ignorant enough to spread denial of climate change and evolution. Facts do not matter to those who believe in the "rapture,' or that Mary became pregnant without the benefit of sperm fertilizing one of her eggs.
I am an outcast to many in our society. I am a spiritual man, but I don't believe in religions. I consider them a crutch; a force to remove independent thought. I'm not even positive there is a God. What I do believe in is right vs. wrong, and universal equality. When religion attempts to influence voters; that is wrong. And when they do, they must pay taxes on the entirely free money donated by their congregations. Our government could pay a lot of bills from taxes paid by the Catholic Church alone. The Church is among the wealthiest organizations in the country.
Thanks to propaganda machines such as FOX News, many Americans believe in the illusion of the United States. They do not see that once was, is no more.
We are far from "United.' Politicians have deliberately separated us into blue and red states. And if you are not a Christian, you are un-American. The Electoral College guarantees that separation, and nullifies the votes of millions of Americans. And now the religious right is involved in that separation. This is diametrically opposed to the ideals of our founding fathers, and if it continues, they should pay the price.
James Turnage