Dear People of Liberia,
So, Liberia had to beg for money to repay its existing foreign debt. And it's only able to repay that debt 3 cents on the dollar. (So much for Liberia's credit rating!) Is it just me, or is this system really messed up? Why does Liberia need foreign investment at all? Liberia has more than enough resources, both natural and human, to easily repay any debts and ensure national economic prosperity.
But the key to this prosperity isn't obvious, and it's one that bankers will do their best to defeat with false arguments about hyperinflation and the like. For Liberia to open the door to economic prosperity it needs to have a sovereign credit, a national currency that's not backed by anything external, such as debt, nor by a commodity like gold. A national currency that doesn't gamble away national resources in the global casino known as FOREX. A true national currency that can be used for foreign trade. But what if foreign powers won't accept our currency you ask? There is a one word answer to this problem: barter.
Standing in the way of monetary progress is the US and other foreign powers that have an interest in Liberia's resources and a desire to keep the country firmly under external control. It's nothing personal by the way, almost every country in the world is now in chains to the private banking establishment, including the US! If you doubt this, then do research on the US Federal Reserve, the IMF, and the kingpin of it all: the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland, the private central bank of central banks.
I doubt the current president of Liberia, or aspiring ones, such as that soccer player, have the slightest clue as to what I'm talking about. Until Liberia wakes up, it will continue to be exploited and the Liberian people will continue to unnecessarily suffer. That's right, unnecessarily. This whole situation, when you stand back and take a long hard look at it, is insane. It's analogous to a farmer with endless tracts of productive land, but yet who feels that he has to borrow money from a neighbor so that he can sell to that neighbor his produce.
Liberians will rally against having white "masters". As a white person, the color of my skin and the Liberian Constitution bars me from ever becoming a citizen of Liberia, much less holding political office. Please see article 27, b in the Liberian Constitution. (Now where is the NAACP when you need them!) But yet for you Liberia, the irony is bittersweet, for you do have white masters, and you don't even know it. People of Liberia, please wake up, and take control of your destiny.
Treasury Reference:
Informative Reference: Good Reference: "The Web of Debt" by Ellen Hodgson.