I know you do not see this news in the mass media, yet. It is still a secret to some: The corporations are crumbling.
They are an illusion of
power shown as a movie to you, inter-sprinkled with medical or other drug commercials to convince you that you have some condition or disease to be treated with their product. Until you die.
Then the funeral industry has its way with you.
This horror flick is coming to a messy end. And it is no secret to the awake and aware.
Who is at the core of this story?
Corporate Money. I capitalize the word money because, as you know, Money is a person now. At least that is what the majority of the Supr-meme Court says.
Don't you believe it.
The corporate Distractors/Detractors such as
security companies, sports teams, weapons manufacturers, greedy power-hungry politicians, soul-less technology companies, corporate churches, and misery-oriented violent entertainment media are vampiring themselves.
Remember the old game, Pac Man? When one entity ate all the others, it was game over.
The same has happened in our reality.
Corporations hopped from one country to another, gobbling up the people's labor until they died. Literally, as in the recent atrocities in Bangladesh and Texas. They think Africa is the
next horizon. They are sadly mistaken. Africa has the most effective weapon of all. Read on.
Game over.
The dead black holes of the uneducated, unskilled, and uncaring are burning, drowning, being swallowed into the earth, or being vacated.
The light has arrived.
It is called love, honor and respect for all that is living. Those who stand in its power are demanding change. There is nowhere left to hide. The light will find you and change you.
As people in the US and Europe vocalized justice for the worker in the factories a century ago, child labor, dangerous working conditions, despicable supervision, discrimination and inequalities lessened, and unions forced more respectable practices. The corporations and several misinformed individuals seem to think they can revive these tactics.
Our corporate executives, the financiers, and earth-foulers are refusing to admit it. They act like blind moles digging a tunnel to nowhere, as they cannibalize each other in their pursuit for profit.
So, Who will shift the narrative and the future path of humanity?
women: The mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunties, and nieces; The virgins and the harlots; The highly educated and those who can not read; Those who march in the streets and tweet; Those who own their own businesses and shop till they drop; Those who cook out of a box, and those who are master chefs; Those who drive trucks, and those who are driven; Those who survive rape and abortion, and those who are adored. All women, everywhere.
They will change the face of hu-beings forever.
I say this because I know from my personal experience.
Less than 3 years ago, I thought I was enlightened,
learning to love unconditionally, and bringing peace--yada, yada, yada.
I did not know until today, when I picked up a pair of shorts I bought at J. C. Penney, of my enormous ignorance. The label spoke volumes to me, as to my level of compassion and wisdom. The label said "Made in Bangladesh ." It could not have been more clear to me, that my previous decision-making was marred and had hidden pockets of blindness.
These thoughts crossed my mind:
Did someone who made these shorts I wear today, die in the fire, or get buried in the rubble of the unsafe building?
Did I see the faces of their children, mothers, fathers, relatives, friends and co-workers on television and hear their cries of sorrow?
Did I really, carelessly search for a cheap pair of shorts to wear for my dirty yard work, not thinking of the conditions or the business processes, that at the time felt light on my pocketbook, and now feel heavy with sadness and regret on my thighs?
As the news reporters and business analysts search for the ever fleeting consumer spending statistics, do they EVER consider what and who is behind the senseless numbers?
It is time they do. And it is our DUTY to remind them.
What can we do to get their attention? Write them? Invest in companies that support people in a sustainable, prosperous life style? Stop buying? Ask the conditions of the working environment and executive pay vs. employee pay differential before we purchase or invest? Are the companies' products killing people, animals, the environment?
Perhaps do not invest in corporations at all?
These are questions we should be asking ourselves, our financial advisers, and our media and government "experts."
Choices, choices, choices...
The great majority of corporations are based on a competitive patriarchal hierarchy that serves the PacMan. That model has served its purpose, and must be transformed now.
Corporations do not reward compassion, unconditional love, unity, generosity, kindness and inclusion. When society realizes that those feminine qualities balance humanity, provide for all, and are REWARDED, women will flourish, and so will all in society.
Corporations may get there, maybe not. As Citizens United defines "people" as financial capital and influence, the global population may struggle and eventually drown if this decision holds. The top of the pyramid will crash and burn if the supporting structure underneath dissolves.
A totally new infrastructure needs to be built based on the needs of people, not money: a world where success is quantified by how many lives are improved, and how many people, animals and natural elements thrive.
The world must become a place where the currency is love; where trust and generosity are the norm.
A recent book has stirred the good corporate witches' brew. Many women today are discussing the topic of "leaning in."
In my opinion, and speaking from decades of experience, the days of working like a man to compete and survive is yesterday's game. The Pac Man game is over.
PacMan has burped, and perhaps, is dead.
The Corporations' Castle is Crumbling, and the way of the Heart is the path NOW.
Women, and some men, never forgot how to use theirs.
I propose that the women who are really leaning in are those who work to benefit ALL of society, despite the current odds. They define success for me, and are the ones who I have learned to honor and respect. They are my role models and guides for wisdom and prosperity.
They have the recipe for true success, Love. And they know how to use it.