Hope Strikes A Pose Eternal
by Gideon Upp
Lotta folks are smoked
wear a look like they were butt-of-joked
and worry that democracy, at least as tweeters knew it
might be over, throwing up hands, crying "Screw it!"
now that Kamala has seemingly lost at the polls
and the Democrats are all Carnival of Souls.
Yet Kamala may still prevail:
but we need to get Ol Joe to cut a deal
and die. If he dies between now and Jan.,
she becomes our president. Man!
The Supreme Court of our blessed land
has blessed the concept of a Royal President.
So Kamala can have him shot, if she brave --
do a hi-how-are-ya Hiawatha dance on his grave.
If Joe says No, she can contract kill him,
and become prez same way, is my limn.
To seal the deal, and stop DJ
from taking office on Jan 20,
Kamala, as Prez, should order
Old Joe's funeral be held then,
tell Congress to be there by ten
and so, no certified votes, no presidency for Mr. Fix --
a kind of right back atcha move for his shenanigans of Jan 6.
Of course, then Trump may disrupt the funeral,
and set the MAGA dogs loose on the Capital --
not a single hydrant in the city will be safe
from a feral hound dog's militant strafe! --
and while Dixie's dancing with Trixie,
like cougars in a conger at toyboy mixie,
the Proud Boys will steal Old Joe's body,
take it back to totem and taboo country, godly,
out to the Georgia wilderness of restless sleep
in the backwoods where still waters run deep,
and sing "I'll Make You Proud, Ma, Yet,"
like some out-there-with-faeries vietnam vet.
And the Deep State will keep its plans alive
for owning the honey-potted inter thought-hive
and for Pandemic 2 bird flu under Trump
and everyone'll haffa drop a mickey lump
that makes em dizzy and a meat puppet klan
dancing in the private theater of The Man.
And just for spite Deep will take out RFK, Jr.
for threatening to finally unseal the records sooner
than they want. For threatening to nix any more vaccines,
as a Public Health czar under Captain Beans,
and no more fluoride either: it makes you mental
(this was certainly good news to Big Dental).
Robert DeNiro will be rounded up, rendered to Brazil,
made to punch himself repeatedly in the face until he's ill,
while repeating the lines, "Are you talkin' to me?"
and no one will ever know what they've done with his body.
Scorcese will make a movie about Bobby's demise,
the first of many on the hit list who'll wake to "Surprise!"
And a meme will go round with Melania's coat:
Who cares? I don't. Do you care? Scapegoat?
O lawd please make America great again
back to when men were men, curfew was ten,
back before we rolled Ol God in a back alley
like some common alcoholic bum. O rally
round the flag boys!
O let's make some rally round the flag noise!
For all our Jewish friends -- and the goys!