Enough head shaking from Justice Alito.
Enough whining from Chief Justice Roberts.
Enough calling reactionary modern rulings "originalism", as Justice Scalia is so fond of doing.
Enough embracing of radical legal doctrines, as Justice Kennedy did in authoring the bitterly partisan, 5-4 majority decision in the court's heinous Citizens United ruling, granting corporations the same free speech rights as individual human beings when it comes to unlimited expenditures on political campaigns.
Enough, enough, enough, enough, enough.
The Raging Grannies have all lived through various earlier incarnations and expressions of America's more fascistic element and tendencies. They are worried sick about their children and grandchildren, about the "new order" that these Supreme Court ideologues are trying to impose on future generations.
And these grand Grannies, activists all, when they get fed up, they get fired up. And when they get fired up, they take action - as all Americans who cherish freedom, liberty and justice for all need to do, if we are to have a chance of undoing the damage being done by these "Justices".
Everybody has to find their own way of taking action. One good, easy way is to sign this online petition. Share it and the simple explanatory information on the hosting website with friends, family and co-workers who may not have had time to focus yet on the Citizens United ruling, and the severe, clear and present danger it poses to what's left of our American participatory democracy.
Now, the Raging Grannies, if you're not familiar with them, have their own very special brand of activism. In a tight little minute-and-forty-second new YouTube video, they manage to put the Supreme court Gang of Five and its "corporate personhood" ruling in proper perspective, and have a hell of a good time doing it, as you'll see.
These super singing activists have chapters all over the country and around the world, so you might want to consider joining one in your area. Don't think you have to be an actual Grannie...but you do have to be a gal! Us guys have to settle for buying and proudly wearing our "I'm A Raging Granny Groupie" buttons.
Long live the Raging Grannies!