I've been aware of climate change since 1977, when reading Energy for Survival: An alternative to extinction. Then kicked in the head again in 1997, in an article in Orion Magazine, which made six predictions that have all since come true, with a vengeance. And of course again in the past two decades or so, when we read about this in the headlines (as freak storms, etc.).
Now we need but look out our window to see it.
The extent and logarithmic expansion of it, with over thirty tipping points that we have already exceeded, have pretty well made all else irrelevant, unless it might be more benign to go out in a nuclear war, that we're working hard on.
Here is Guy McPhearson, first brought to my attention by someone here at OEN--sorry I forget who, but think I recall--speaking about the very close and upcoming extinction of Homo sapiens and destruction of habitats for most species on earth.
I'd love nothing else than to learn that Guy is mistaken, but he runs on serious studies and facts. Knowing that we are "for real" on death row as a species in the near future does change our way of thinking about what's left of our lives, or it is certainly doing so for me.
I encourage any reader to prove Guy wrong, or even shed light on alternate possibilities. Warning: The more you study his site and listen to his presentations and read his objective research and conclusions, the shorter your life will look.