I can already hear some of my establishment Democrat friends saying that the People's Platform being pushed by progressive groups is unachievable. Of course in this Congress they are right. So, what if the Democrats were to push an agenda that is achievable in this Congress? What would that look like? It would be a blank piece of paper, since the GOP Congress will not let the Democratic Party get credit for any legislation, even if it fits in with their right-wing agenda.
That is why the "Summer for Progress" campaign launched by many progressives is so important. It's time to create a platform that defines the Democratic Party as the people's party again. Of course Improved Medicare for All will not even get a vote in Paul Ryan's house, but it's time for all Democrats to co-sponsor the bill, and those who don't should prepare for a primary next year.
The People's Platform is about more than healthcare. At Summer for Progress, you will find bills that progressive organizations are demanding House Democrats sign onto as co-sponsors. Those bills are:
- Medicare for All: H.R. 676 -- Medicare For All Act
- Free College Tuition: H.R. 1880 -- College for All Act of 2017
- Worker Rights: H.R.15 -- Raise the Wage Act
- Women's Rights: H.R.771 -- Equal Access to Abortion Coverage in Health Insurance (EACH Woman) Act of 2017
- Voting Rights: H.R. 2840 -- Automatic Voter Registration Act
- Environmental Justice: Climate Change Bill -- Renewable Energy
- Criminal Justice and Immigrant Rights: H.R.3543 -- Justice Is Not for Sale Act of 2017
- Taxing Wall Street: H.R. 1144 -- Inclusive Prosperity Act
It is a bold agenda. It has to be, to breathe new life into the Democratic Party. My establishment Democratic friends will say that Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump. They are right, but it was also nearly 4 million votes less than Barack Obama received in 2008 and less than Obama got in 2012.