I am shaking my head at the distraught response to the election. I predicted the outcome fourteen months ago and was vilified for even considering the possibility. I have the right background for political analysis but no connections to get my voice heard except in places where scores of other voices are also trying to be heard. So, my warning not only was scoffed at, but also never seen by people who needed to see it. And that is more depressing to me than the election result.
Diversity, inclusiveness, and truth are not everyone's American values. That is the one big mistake progressives made. Throughout this country's history, there has been a competing set of values that are libertarian, exclusive, and belief-oriented. Rather than try to unite with Trump's supporters on the issues progressives held in common with them, like income inequality and job creation through infrastructure projects, progressives lambasted and denigrated Trump's supporters for being racists, bigots, et cetera. Yes, they are. But you are never going to win someone over to your side by demonizing the people on the other side.
That was my message for the last fourteen months and it was a message that was completely ignored despite my sometimes full-time efforts to get it across to politicians, organizations, and voters on the left. Progressives lost this election by endorsing Nixon in drag and putting aside the path to political revolution that required inclusion of Trump's supporters. Which is my final point. How much are you valuing inclusiveness, truth, and diversity when you consciously exclude and refuse to accept the truth about half the population of this country? That hypocrisy killed any hope of us moving forward at this time in our history.