It is a president's executive orders, especially any deadly orders given as Commander-in-Chief, that deserve our attention. It is even more painfully appropriate to be interested in how the imperialist media masks and clothes a president's intentions, how these intentions are made to misrepresent all of us to the rest of the people on Earth, and how domestic issues are artificially heated up into seemingly irresolvable public confrontations in order to confound, distract and relegate war to secondary consideration.
The system has thrown up a likable, well spoken, nonwhite president of the American capitalist empire successfully dampening criticism from the hundreds of millions abroad and millions at home who are aware of U.S. imperialist programs.
As uncomfortable as it is, especially for Black Americans, to condemn homicide ordered by a Black President without seeming to be going against the aspirations of majority Mankind long dominated by less than fair administrators, managers, and CEO overloads largely of white Anglo-Saxon descent, a way must be found to confront and block the spread of legalized mass murder.
Beginning in 2007, commercial media, with a enormous assist from the entire progressive community, eventually convinced most Americans and a billion souls overseas, that having a half-Black American president could brake U.S. imperialism and unrestrained and unethical corporatism. One disastrous year later, pro-Obama progressives are still assisting the empire's establishment to play out a life-costing foolishness for their limited constituency of Liberal capitalists that unfortunately make up most of what is called the Left in America. In excusing and backing Liberal imperialists, they inadvertently override war worries, and are unintentionally misleading trusting audiences into focusing in greater detail and fear on right wing activity thrown up by capitalist establishment itself and featured in its conglomerate media.
Tea-baggers are not commanding the U.S. military to bring the death and destruction that is provoking anti-American outrage, enlistment of ever more extremists to fight U.S. occupations and polarizing the world again into capitalist and socialist camps. No, a Liberal imperialist president is in command. Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn warned us beforehand not to expect much from Obama. Few progressives listened to what turned out to be vastly understated, and socialists see progressives as countenancing war.
Most progressives are proposing cures for the symptoms, but not the disease of capitalism, and even worse, consort to prevent this mortal disease from being identified by making it appear difficult to diagnose.
Millions of immigrants from the impoverished nations of neocolonialism in Latin America and other continents have no such difficulty. They come from cultures where common sense and kind social education has not been totally compromised by the all engulfing media blessed desperate consumerism and commodification of life pressed upon society in industrialized nations. For these millions of newly arrived, the word "capitalist' has never had any rehabilitation from being an insidious pejorative describing opprobrious antisocial behavior. Once in America, usually suffering as cheap labor and unprotected non-citizens or citizens discriminated against for their nonwhite complexion, they have little difficulty in seeing the way things are regardless of conglomerate media hype.
On the other hand, the greater amount of intellectuals who call themselves progressive are, perhaps almost unnoticed by themselves, progressive capitalists and associate themselves with Liberal capitalists who propose legislation to mitigate the worst abuses of capitalism. They dissimulate by avoiding referring to anyone or anything as capitalist while going along with the use of the pointing out label "communist' for socialist revolutionary governments and their officers.
Progressive capitalists lay the cause of America's wars in and on the Third World, as well as corporate mega-crime to mistakes and bad judgments of [capitalist] public officials in an an otherwise viable capitalist system that is practical to accept and live with, not realizing that they sabotage and splinter organized antiwar effort even while the disgusting profiteers, promoters and defenders of war are arousing some good amount of public anger and willingness to join in opposition to war and capitalism.
Progressives, though they are part of the antiwar movement, tend to be stridently careful to disassociate themselves from those of in the peace movement that see capitalism as the root cause of war throughout modern history.
The floundering insane power elite of the world governing capitalist superpower and its allied NATO nation societies is reassured of its rectitude, uprightness and normalcy by having a loyal educated well behaved dissenting minority serving as an example of it allowing freedom of expression. An unorganized powerless but culturally prestigious grouping of non-trouble making independent thinking progressives acts as a buffer between between those in command and the millions of citizens that might otherwise be motivated to unite in class awareness.
There is an affable and easy going cohabitation and warm social intercourse between a good many progressives and many of their rich and famous Liberal compatriots who co-rule media and the military that is torturing and executing humankind. This pleasant fraternizing is understood as civilized behavior.
Activists like of Howard Zinn, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Albert Einstein, Eugene Debs, Thorstein Veblen etc., representatives of the common man, were not "progressives.' They would not be or have been at ease palling around with obvious to them war criminals, and they were not, or will ever be, invited to.
Albert Einstein stressed non participation in war, Malcolm, self-reliance on one's own integrity and distance from capitalism, MLKjr, Gandhi, and Howard Zinn, civil disobedience, Eugene Debs, an organized solidarity so strongly achieved that he received a million votes for President while in prison. None of these, nor Noam Chomsky and Rev. Jeremiah Wright were or are progressives, and of course, not capitalists. None see or would have seen Obama as someone apart from the capitalism he professes and extols.
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