Also, it is a little like a resurrection . . .
Stephen Buhner's stand-alone masterpiece (book), "The Secret Teachings of the Plants" is a door-opener for two reasons: There is a section ( the first third of the book), where he reveals things about the heart that were a watershed teaching for me. And, after talking about the heart, and introducing heart-brain entrainment, and the heart as the organ of perception, he goes into how to use that as a stepping stone for communicating with plants.
My wife's sermon this morning was about Paul's conversion, ( He was "Saul" before his conversion). Saul (Paul) was on his way to Damascus to testify against some followers of Jesus when he was converted and fell, blinded by the light. He was blind for three days and then he became a great evangelist. I was thinking about what Buhner teaches about the heart and I was thinking about Paul's conversion and I wrote this: To be fully alive we have to be converted to living through our hearts . . . before anything big can happen, our brain has to be "blinded", at least temporarily, before the eyes of our heart fully open. (Only our brain is blinded by the light of Spirit. Our heart is not. I just know this is true. I'm not sure why and am open to suggestions!) It's not like a relay though. It's more like you have to get out of your car (In some cases after we totalled it!) before we climb onto our horse. If your brain is a Tessla, you may never choose your horse over your car. Big changes are not a "change of heart", they are a change to heart.
(Article changed on May 01, 2022 at 1:18 PM EDT)
(Article changed on May 01, 2022 at 1:27 PM EDT)