Photo and video coverage of the DNC convention-- a lot you won't see on the MSM
Saturday, I tried to attend the DNC Rules Committee hearing. The public was locked out.
Later, I went down to the People's Revolution Conference and heard Nina Turner and Jill Stein.
On Monday, I took the train into Philly to cover the protests outside the Western Union Stadium, where the DNC convention is being held. It got interesting once I was on the subway platform. A SEPTA worker announced that the subway would not go all the way to the stop at the DNC convention, the AT&T station. It's the one you get off at for the stadiums. Only people with DNC credentials could go past Oregon avenue, the stop before the stadium stop-- about a half mile away. I knew because I've walked it before. I asked him why. It didn't seem reasonable. He said it was because of the protesters and he thought it was the secret service who had ordered it. But there were hardly any protesters on the subway and they were very quiet. I'd picked up a press credential on Saturday when I went to the DNC pre-convention Rules Committee hearing at the Convention Center. That worked to enable me to stay on the train through to the AT&T stop. But when I got off, the station was surrounded by heavy gates, a ton of police and a guy who told me that my pass was only good at the Convention Center, not at Western Union Stadium, where the DNC meeting is being held. So I had to take the subway back to the Oregon Ave. stop and walk the half mile.
As I was walking it started drizzling, with really nasty dark storm clouds gathering overhead. Right when I arrived back at the ATT stop, the clouds broke open and torrential rains came down. I'd brought an umbrella AND a disposable plastic poncho. But they didn't do much good. I was soaked through and through after ten minutes. I did get some good footage though. Check it out.
As the rain worsened, more and more people were leaving the scene. They'd walked from City Hall down to Roosevelt Park, several miles, in sweltering upper 90s heat. It was time to go home.
But some stayed and made it clear, that for some Bernie supporters, some very wet, drenched dedicated Bernie supporters, there would not be party unity, as they chanted, "Hell no, DNC, we won't vote for Hillary.
Here's a woman holding a sign that sort of says what I proposed in the article I wrote yesterday morning, before going to my stress test,
Maximize Chaos At DNC Convention to Make a Miracle HappenProtest sign at DNC Convention
(image by Rob Kall) License DMCA
A few blocks from the stadium, there's an overpass. A few hundred Bernie supporters were gathered there, under it, escaping the torrential rain. A few dozen were singing. That's me singing harmony.
Protest sign at DNC Convention
(Image by Rob Kall) Details DMCA
Protest sign at DNC Convention
(image by rob kall) License DMCA
After the rain stopped I found this gal holding her sign.
Protest sign at DNC Convention
(image by Rob Kall) License DMCA
After walking back to the Oregon ave. subway stop I got on the subway, only to find that they'd re-opened the AT&T stop. I could have waited and taken the easy, dry way. But I would have missed the singing, the posters.
Wednesday, I again took the train into Philly, heading to the Occupy DNC protest, across from City Hall.
When I arrived socialist Seattle Councilmember Kshama Sawant was speaking. She's amazing. I was able to speak briefly using the same mike she's using, to give my take on value of Bernie's platform, which I wrote about here: The Dem Platform Fulfills Bernie's Bottom Up Vision of Change. It was nice to meet some OpEdNews readers there.
There were a lot of protesters filling the square, a lot more than I ever saw before, even during Occupy.
I briefly saw Jill Stein, being escorted by Philly Police-- not secret service, but nice to see that she was accorded the respect of a presidential candidate.
Westboro Baptist Church was there, but there was a woman with a yellow sign adding a different perspective.
Here's a look at the future of politics.
The sign on the left, below may seem extreme, but it's kind of what the DNC may have done, rigging the election so Hillary would win.
I loved this sign. I've written that I feel a part of my job is to be an awakener.
More pics:
Code Pink's Jodie Evans showing the sign she was going to unfurl at the DNC convention later in the evening
(Image by Rob Kall) Details DMCA
I'll be heading back down in less than three hours.