Kristin Combs spoke with members and friends of the Green Party of Philadelphia (GPOP, ) at Green Night Out on October 10. "I believe that the Green Party should become the political arm of today's social justice movement," Combs told her supporters.
She used herself as a prominent example. "I am running for City Council-at-Large in order to save our public schools," explained Combs. "I am speaking for the Green Party and for the Caucus of Working Educators, a progressive group within the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT)."
Green Night Out is a periodic gathering which is open to the public. Green Night Out is held at Sang Kee Peking Duck House, . The diners discuss politics while they enjoyed a Chinese feast.
Combs then explained her platform: locally controlled, high-quality public schools; a $15/hour minimum wage; neighborhood revitalization without displacement; strong, independent civilian review over the police; and a green energy hub in Philadelphia's future. [Please find more information at .]
Kristin Combs is the only remaining LGBT candidate on the City Council ballot. She is a high school teacher whose candidacy has been widely endorsed by labor and progressive organizations, including AFSCME District Council 33, American Postal Workers Union Local 7048, Americans for Democratic Action of SE PA, Caucus of Working Educators of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, Green Party of Philadelphia, Green Party of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia Neighborhood Networks, Philly for Change (affiliate of Democracy for America), Socialist Alternative, and Socialist Party USA.
When questioned, Combs explained her strategy to win one of the minor party seats on City Council, "Voters may cast five votes for City Council-at-Large. I am asking voters to 'Push Button #426 First.' In that way, they will use one of their five votes to elect an additional, progressive councilperson-at-large -- Kristin Combs."
"I am offering voters a chance to vote with their hearts," said Combs. "It will be an amazing victory for Philadelphia, to have six progressive Councilpersons-at-Large -- rather than just five."
The Green Party is an independent political party founded on the four pillars of nonviolence, grassroots democracy, ecological wisdom and social justice.