As a manifestation of His sovereignty, God determines the mode and manner, in which he communicates with mankind. As the Creator of all things, He has supreme command over all creation. As an expression of His multi-faceted nature, of which humility is prominent, He stoops low to deal with man on a human level. In doing so, He often uses every day events, and that which is familiar. An illustration of this phenomenon is when Christ whilst accompanied by His disciples, engaged in the age-old and still raging, contentious matter of official tax demands vis-Ã -vis personal tax obligations. He settled the matter, by instructing Peter to go to the lake with his fishing line, informing him that he would find a coin in the mouth of his first catch, which he was to use to pay their temple tax. Matthew 17: 24-25
In His dealings with man, it is God's sole prerogative to get our attention in any way He deems appropriate. God used a donkey to speak to Balaam, who had been paid to curse the Israelites, by Balak, king of Moab, contrary to the will of God. Balaam set out on his donkey on this fool's errand and the donkey's path was blocked by an angel. The donkey was prevented from moving, upon which it was struck physically by Balaam, who was totally oblivious to the presence of the Divine messenger. God caused the donkey to talk to Balaam, who then saw the angel of the Lord. The angel said to Balaam, "I have come to oppose you because your path is a reckless one before me." Numbers 22: 21-39
The recently globally televised US 2020 vice-presidential debate between Mike Pence, the current VP and the aspirant, Kamala Harris, will be remembered for the media-attention-grabbing-fly, that was more of a sensation than the merits and demerits of the debate. The now famous fly, sat doggedly on Pences' pate for over 2 minutes. It is curious that the fly did not dislodge itself, despite a notably animated Pence, whose chauvinism and arrogance, was on full display. In peacock fashion, Pence vaunted his superciliousness, as he sneered and interrupted Harris, his black female contender, at least 10 times during the august event. The fly remained undaunted and stationary, despite Pences' regular upper body swaying and head shaking during the debate.
The incredible, highly dramatic scene was reminiscent of biblical times, in its portent and symbolism. However there was nothing sacred about the bizzare scene. It was a modern day public anointing by Beelzebub, king of the flies. As head of the highly politicized and moribund Covid-19 task force, Pence has the blood of tens of thousands victims of the virus, on his hands. The excessively high death toll makes no sense objectively, and was totally avoidable. Of course, Beelzebub would reward him openly for his pivotal role in the human carnage, and cruel ruination of souls, which continues mercilessly and unabated.
Trump and Pence deliberately, if not criminally, obfuscate their no-holds-barred opposition, to the science-led recommendations of leading epidemiologists, who for all intents and purposes, they have neutered or corrupted. The dastardly duo has formed an unholy alliance to sabotage and sideline the experts. Thereby, prolonging and exacerbating, the deprivation, torture and suffering of the common folk, who are left to navigate the once in a century global pandemic on their own. To compound these insidious acts of supreme betrayal, they have abdicated all official responsibility to combat the highly infectious disease. The formal capitulation to a preventable disease, by the most powerful nation on the planet, is served up 24/7 on a fetid platter of wretched lies and empty promises, teeming with flies, and emanating from behind the sacred seal of the presidency, or from obstreperous mouthpieces.
Apart from the symbolic dimensions of the nesting fly; flies are vectors of disease, and are drawn to filth, rot and dying organic matter. That many more lives will be sacrificed on the altar of Beelzebub, as a concomitant effect of the inhumanity of the Trump administration, is a scientific certainty. In this connection, salient details of the gangrenous, mid-night-darkness of their psyches have come to light. The media-attention-grabbing-fly was an omen of the industrial scale death, which will be needlessly visited on the populace as herd immunity, is being aggressively pursued as a national policy, sans a vaccine or national mitigative plan. The approach has been strongly condemned by scientists, who have lambasted the approach inter alia as mass-murder, criminal, and sacrificial.
Pence, the glorified factotum of the Trump administration, has traipsed along ardently, and green lighted a carnival of lies and banquet of death. This conduct is an affront and repudiation of the faith he claims to be an adherent of. Christ, the "Prince of life" said: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10 . This nugget of truth should be foremost in the mind of any Christian, especially those in leadership positions. The public humiliation of the fly visitation on Pence, should not be lost on him, as it may very well be God's way of getting his attention. Beelzebub, stands in adversarial and eternal opposition to Christ, whose symbol of purity, beauty and love, is another winged, aerial creature: - THE DOVE
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